that's for bragging about your subscribers numbers ,Mister Evans...
original reddit post (removed).
that's for bragging about your subscribers numbers ,Mister Evans...
original reddit post (removed).
Sorry but that made me laugh so much...Someone post this on twitter... And who love to go to Museum...He even made a Youtube video on him visiting one...Just think , a museum that have an exibit on his favorite human organ.
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Kit Kat / Sashee’s Mom is back on Reddit
She give $50 per month ? That's mean her name must be on the Youtube list at the end of some of his videos ...If that's true. I have a feeling she's a big Liar...and she's nuts.
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Now I wonder .if somebody would leave a comment , on one of his Shorts tik tok ,like I don't know ...Get a job ...if he would see it...or delete it?
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original reddit post (removed).
On his Youtube channel . he now have a Shorts section ,where you can see little clip of videos or interviews he made. like TikTok ? Anyway .the funny thing about that is that you can leave comments on those , and they won't get deleted if there bad. Not like the comments section of his full videos...La Preuve !
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Yesterday . L.E. release another Youtube video on a JW leak Blood tapes ? anyway it only got so far 3,855 views,244 like... Meanwhile Owen Morgan (Telltale) also release a video on the Caleb & Sofia JW cartoon...same time ,same day 30.502 views so far, 2K likes ! But ...
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ButterfliesAreFree @ MASHMOREME... Miss Mashee Moto ?
That awful twitter account was reported .delete .ban by twitter the 17 of April and the 19 this butterflies Nut made this post... that's why I think it's the same Idiot
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Just a thought , when I think of all the Ex-JW Youtuber from the past or present the only diference between them and Lloyd Evans is the Flying Monkeys . And there are vicious , Insane! And the worst He never stop them !
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That flying monkey lunatic , came on my twitter page to insult me about my spelling...DUH! and she wrote this...LMAO so much i just had to share it...