Well, it has been a long time, I realise...since my Mom, Linda, aka, " The Queen Apostate herself... 'QUEENIE' 👑 the orig. was last logging and posting here and several other JW and ExJW related sites... a lot has happened and changed for/with me since mom suddenly passed, Summer of 2008.
Still... When I came across (by accident) during a google search for ex JW Ministries and healing ministries, a link to a Jehovah's Witnesses' Dating Website, no, NOT Ex JW Datesite nor on the verge of leaving, but active JWs Dating site! Lol
I truly was Shocked! I mean I was like "WhahWhahhht??!!!" Lol! Then a week or so later, while searching on the Roku or was it the FireStick? Well either one, does not matter, the important thing is up on my TV screen I behold an actual JW App for what appeared to me to be a Jehovah's Witnesses TV - Content Channel App! As if seeing those newfangled JW Magazine Rack style Stands on street corners lately has not been cause for double take glances and head shaking + lol disbelief.
I am pretty sure if Mom were here to see all this she would think she was imagining these things... or having some kind of surreal alternative reality experiences! That is pretty much how these things are making me feel. Cannot help but to wonder what else is new? I had heard many yrs. ago, the Org. Was in the process of making "major changes." But only very recently have I began to notice some very obvious signs of such change! New light?! Or just necessity forcing change? Mainly this question is being directed to anyone here that is really in the know. I am thinking active or at least still associating folks here would be the most likely to have this ? Covered. I would truly like to learn that there has been much change for the better for all JWs sake. Just wondering though. Not planning on returning or starting a private JW bible study just yet. 😜📚