If you grow up in a cult that’s anti-gay, anti-sexuality, anti-abortion, where you’re discouraged from having wild parties, experimenting with substances, it’s easy to go full leftist socially after deconstructing your faith.
I experienced that after leaving. I didn’t know anything about politics, but I was full on Bernie Bro when I left. Then, the DNC did Bernie nasty in 2016, so I secretly voted Trump as a protest vote.
The aftermath of Trump winning is what made me shift right in my politics. I saw people acting towards lifelong friends that were Trump voters like JWs act towards apostates. And that triggered alarm bells.
2020 then made me shift politically again, and I’m a staunch anarchist now. Not anarcho-communist, but just anti-state.
Now, if I vote, which I did this year, I vote for the candidates that I feel will accelerate the culture towards a National Divorce or Balkanization of the Union.
I’m under no illusions - I do not believe an anarchist utopia is a realistic possibility. However, I think chipping away at the power of the state and supporting a culture of gradual decentralization is the most moral approach to politics. This is why I voted for Trump again. Rational self-interest.
This is my personal philosophy and I do not expect anyone to agree with me.