Hello all,
I'm a reporter working on a series about Michael Jackson. Part of this series will look at his life as a Jehovah's Witness and his relationship to the faith. I've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained JW 101 beliefs and teachings. I've read stories about Michael going door to door even around the height of Thriller, and also that he received so much pressure from his elders about the Thriller video that he almost destroyed it. And a year later, he apologized in the May 1984 edition of Awake.
This is a hail mary long shot request, but is there anyone here with first-hand experience meeting or working with Michael as a JW? I've heard that Michael would have been called before a discipline committee for the Thriller video, where he would have made a case not to be disfellowshipped. Even a longer shot, does anyone know or can connect me with an elder who might have dealt with Michael?
Last question/request. In 1987, it was reported that Michael disassociated himself from the JWs. The LA Times cited a letter from the then Brooklyn headquarters dated May 18th 1987 that the organization "no longer considers Michael Jackson to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Does anyone remember this being said in Kingdom Hall? Any MJ fans out there who would have kept the letter? The reporter from the Times has unfortunately passed away.
I've found this forum really helpful in searching and learning about the JW faith. Any names or information would be extremely helpful. Feel free to DM me and I can discuss more details.
Thanks all!