Autocracy because they display a total disregard towards feeling of others--including God. Look at the way they take the name of God in vain. Everything they do in the name of Jehovah. All their literature, gateway to their property, their buildings ... Etc contain Jehovah's Name. Even when the pedophilic cases are fought, God's Name is dragged into the filth.
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
JW's - Are you in a "THEOCRATIC arrangement" or an AUTOCRATIC one?
by The Fall Guy ini now know which system i was under!.
theocratic/theocracy: a system of government in which priests rule in the name of god or a god.
(oxford dictionary).
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
That could be true. Interesting point.
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
It shows you really understood the basis of my reasoning.
I have removed all the impurities the world conveniently heaped upon Jesus
I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if "Religion" had never reared it`s head.?
by smiddy3 incan you imagine what the world of mankind would be like if their was never any concept of a god or religious beliefs ?.
for the love of me i can`t ,maybe i don`t have an imaginative mind equipped well enough to do so .. how about you guys ?
any takers ?.
Religions are not a must for one to have a religious feeling.
1) When our knowledge about our own habitat increases we realize earth is fine-tuned not only for our sustenance but also for our enjoyment. This inspires us to fine-tune all our actions (thinking, speaking, and acting) for the welfare of all.
2) When our knowledge about our universe increases we realize that earth is only a dust-sized in comparison with the vast universe, which means we have no sound basis to cultivate ego which makes life (own and of others) a hell.
These two are the very basis of spirituality.
Do any of the 144,000 in heaven take part in the destruction at Armageddon?
by Bonnie_Clyde ini wondered about that when i heard garret loesch state that shortly before the tribulation the governing body would be taken up.
if this is the case, it seems like garret and the other seven would be there just in time to help out in the killing of billions.. i thought they used to say that some would survive armageddon before they were taken up..
Without God doing anything, we are now capable of destroying ourselves, not only through the WMD but also through increasing male infertility due to pollution and use of devices such as cell phones ... (
You have to smile at the irony of this article!!
by The Fall Guy inawake 22nd april 1970 p. 8 changes that disturb people .
"why is there this decline in religion?
…..millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong....a businessman in medellín, colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many......"just ten years ago we catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this.
This is the problem with those making religious positions as their career. In spirituality, one cannot keep on giving new truths. He would go on updating and updating finally reaching where he has to repeat the whole thing from the beginning.
Easy and practical way is to go into silence and in that silence one can hear the truth directly from God, as Jesus himself taught with his life. (Mark 1:35; John 8:1)
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
Jesus was a real and historical person (not the way JWs or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:
1) The fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (Roman Empire) was convinced that Jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that Jesus was as historical as Roman Empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the Bible as though spoken by Jesus (such as Mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) This was in contrast to the real personality Jesus really was—He was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ When his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with God to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of God. (Mark 1:35; John 8:1, 2; 10:30) Such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “Hollywood Rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).
2) Similarly, emerging religion (apostate Christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of Jesus to serve its commercial agenda. They implanted the incomprehensible concept of ‘one man making the whole world sinners and taking away the sins of the world through one man’ as though coming through the mouth of Jesus in contrast to the true teaching Jesus did (Luke 6:38; Mathew 12:32 … etc). He had taught that he was not sent to be killed by sinners as to save sinners. (Mathew 21:37) His kingdom was of renouncement of attachment to worldly things (Mathew 16:24), also a kingdom of renouncement of attachment even to past memories and future worries as to be in the now (Luke 17:21), a condition “within,” of the heart; hence was not a threat to any establishments—political or religious. He was perfectly successful in conveying this non-commercial concept of religion to his immediate disciples who expressed their desire to continue with their simplistic material life style. (John 21:3)
What does the WTS say about Satan?
by Doug Mason inover the past several months, i have been assembling a study dealing with the life and times of satan, the devil.
it is my intention to release the first draft in a few weeks.. i have provided the draft of the last chapter at:. .
Interestingly, Jesus was epitome of innocence and wisdom; hence he urged his disciples to be “innocent like dove and wise like serpent” (Mathew 10:16) which means he ruled out the literal understanding of Satanic symbolism of serpent in Genesis.
What does the WTS say about Satan?
by Doug Mason inover the past several months, i have been assembling a study dealing with the life and times of satan, the devil.
it is my intention to release the first draft in a few weeks.. i have provided the draft of the last chapter at:. .
D Mason,
True, snake can be used in positive sense also. Snake would not move reverse which is a symbol of not reliving the memories of past (which is the sign of ego) creating hell for one's self (Habakkuk 2:5); thus symbol of living in the now--something Jesus knew very well. (Luke 17:21)
What does the WTS say about Satan?
by Doug Mason inover the past several months, i have been assembling a study dealing with the life and times of satan, the devil.
it is my intention to release the first draft in a few weeks.. i have provided the draft of the last chapter at:. .
I too agree with Finkelstein,
There is a beautiful comment by Sartre in his Being and Nothingness: We are 'condemned to be free.’ What he means is that we cause our own suffering by our choices. This is the truth about God who is The Witness who has left everything to the natural law of Cause and Consequences, and whose natural role is to “renew” the provisions for life’s enjoyment whenever they are depleted or destroyed by human choices. (Mathew 12:35; 19:28) This concept of God, when travelled to the West, was evolved into a jealous God who would not tolerate worship of other gods. (Ex 201-6). This change in the concept about God necessitated the creation of Satan.