Jesus was a real and historical person (not the way JWs or
the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical
1) The fact that the most influential political establishment
of that time (Roman Empire) was convinced that Jesus’ name would sell to suit
their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that Jesus was as historical
as Roman Empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the
Bible as though spoken by Jesus (such as Mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) This was
in contrast to the real personality Jesus really was—He was a man of courage,
who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’
When his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend
early morning hours alone, in meditation, with God to the extent he could say he
was “one” with qualities of God. (Mark 1:35; John 8:1, 2; 10:30) Such
a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the
influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple
which reminds us of “Hollywood Rambo style” merely because of his moral
authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).
2) Similarly, emerging religion (apostate Christianity) too knew
they could misuse the name of Jesus to serve its commercial agenda. They
implanted the incomprehensible concept of ‘one man making the whole world
sinners and taking away the sins of the world through one man’ as though coming
through the mouth of Jesus in contrast to the true teaching Jesus did (Luke
6:38; Mathew 12:32 … etc). He had taught that he was not sent to be killed by
sinners as to save sinners. (Mathew 21:37) His kingdom was of renouncement of
attachment to worldly things (Mathew 16:24), also a kingdom of renouncement of attachment
even to past memories and future worries as to be in the now (Luke 17:21), a
condition “within,” of the heart; hence was not a threat to any establishments—political
or religious. He was perfectly successful in conveying this non-commercial
concept of religion to his immediate disciples who expressed their desire to
continue with their simplistic material life style. (John 21:3)