Hi Doug,
You asked: “When you say "Bible", which Canon do you mean?”
I view bulk of the Bible as uninspired and some verses here and there are inspired because those very few verses match with my intuition, my experience and history.
For example,
God is non-interventionist, says Jesus through the famous story of prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) because the Hero of the story Father permits son to use his free-will to any extent and accepts him when “he returns to his senses” and through the unambiguous statement. (Revelation 22:11)
Nature rewards according to what each one does—qualitatively (Galatians 6:7) and quantitatively (Luke 6:38)
That means God would not say He leads the history (as implied in Genesis 3:15) nor Jesus would say He would appoint “a Faithful and Discreet Slave” class to lead people spiritually as given in Mathew 24:45. The wording itself suggests that it is coined by some thoughtless person because it gives the impression that Jesus tacitly condones the disgusting practice of slavery about which Abraham Lincoln rightly said: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”
Now come back to non-interventionist policy of God which is well attested by history. God filled the earth with provisions for life’s enjoyment (Genesis 1). Mankind enjoyed those provisions for some untold period of time (may be 1000s of years), then greed appeared (Genesis 3) which made the earth a hell-like place. Now population is exploding and resources are getting depleted/destroyed. In due course, God will refill the earth with provisions for life’s enjoyment (Revelation 21:1-5).
The above gives you an idea how I view the Bible and its concepts.