Thank for posting such an informative and interesting piece, Finkelstein.
This is no surprise to those who know the mythologies of other nations where God is depicted as having wife and sitting on top of mountain etc. For example, in Hinduism God’s wife is named Parvati, and the word for mountain is Parvat from which the words such as power originate.
The symbolism behind such depiction is simple: God being seated on the top of the mountain is that His standards are elevated and controls all manifestation of energy. His relationship with the nature (which is materialization of energy) is like that of husband with his wife. Myth, mystery, mysticism …all have the root meaning of ‘measuring out’ from the vast reservoir of knowledge known and unknown, ‘listening and seeing with ears and eyes shut down’ which means listening what is unsaid and seeing what is unseen.
In other words Myths are suggestive of the hidden. It is like saying ‘every action has equal and opposite reaction’ which we all know literally because we experience it in our life. Yet it has a suggestive meaning too. When we see good action producing good results and bad action bad results, many would choose to do good repeatedly and discontinue performing bad action; thus they evolve upwardly. Thus cause and effect mechanism is all about upward evolution. But in practice, many evolve downward repeating the same mistakes over and over again. This is because people go by their taste rather than proof. Those who want to know the truth would understand it even without external help, and even when it is in coded language or presented in mysticism. Those who do not want to know the truth would not understand it even with external help, and even when it is presented it in too simple language. Hence the seers/sages used mythologies.