I enjoy my cooking--something I do like worship as it reminds me of God. Also it is an art.
though many things in the bible do not make sense to me, there is something in it that makes my life easy.. this is how i arrived at it.
bible defines god as the servant of his children because he makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means he is not interested in gratitude/worship from his children.
yet history shows that people forget him in happiness and remember him only in distress which means he is not given love (though he is the giver of love), and he is not bothered of it.
I enjoy my cooking--something I do like worship as it reminds me of God. Also it is an art.
though many things in the bible do not make sense to me, there is something in it that makes my life easy.. this is how i arrived at it.
bible defines god as the servant of his children because he makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means he is not interested in gratitude/worship from his children.
yet history shows that people forget him in happiness and remember him only in distress which means he is not given love (though he is the giver of love), and he is not bothered of it.
Here is the answer for you:
Why do some create huge mountains of wealth creating privations on the other side of the planet? Doesn't remind of the proverb: Dog in the manger?
though many things in the bible do not make sense to me, there is something in it that makes my life easy.. this is how i arrived at it.
bible defines god as the servant of his children because he makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means he is not interested in gratitude/worship from his children.
yet history shows that people forget him in happiness and remember him only in distress which means he is not given love (though he is the giver of love), and he is not bothered of it.
Provisions for life’s enjoyment are real, and we are sustained by them. When I cook my food in the kitchen, I know how much care I have to show with regard to the fine-tuning of the ingredients and stopping the flame at the right time before it turns black into carbon. … etc. Every time I cook, I know the greater care God took in providing us with what sustains us. You can believe that nature provided it. But I believe God provided it—a thought that helps me to use them only for my need, not for my greed.
But that is a different subject. My subject is about acceptance, rather than expectation.
though many things in the bible do not make sense to me, there is something in it that makes my life easy.. this is how i arrived at it.
bible defines god as the servant of his children because he makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means he is not interested in gratitude/worship from his children.
yet history shows that people forget him in happiness and remember him only in distress which means he is not given love (though he is the giver of love), and he is not bothered of it.
Those accounts are from the imagination of Bible writers. Noah’s flood was invented to provide a basis for eating non-vegetarian food. If a global flood destroyed all agricultural crops, then the next option is to start eating the flesh of the animals which is in contrast to the command given in Genesis 1:29, 30. Change into non-vegetarian diet was presented as though coming from God.
Yet insightful ones can discern the truth. See what prophet Isaiah says: “Killing a bull is equal to killing a human being.” (Isaiah 66:3) This shows Prophet Isaiah is not aware of Noah’s account, nor of nation of Israel being authorized to kill fellow human beings (which means they are all fabrications)
though many things in the bible do not make sense to me, there is something in it that makes my life easy.. this is how i arrived at it.
bible defines god as the servant of his children because he makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means he is not interested in gratitude/worship from his children.
yet history shows that people forget him in happiness and remember him only in distress which means he is not given love (though he is the giver of love), and he is not bothered of it.
Though many things in the Bible do not make sense to me,
there is something in it that makes my life easy.
This is how I arrived at it. Bible defines God as the servant of His children because He makes provisions for the enjoyment of life in abundance (Mathew 5:44-47) and ‘renews’ them if need arises (Mathew 19:28) with no intervention whatsoever in between which means He is not interested in gratitude/worship from His children. Yet history shows that people forget Him in happiness and remember Him only in distress which means He is not given love (though He is the giver of love), and He is not bothered of it. In other words, He is the symbol of acceptance rather than expectation.
This is my experience:
In acceptance, I make life (mine and of others) a heaven.
In expectation, I make life (mine and of others) a hell.
does anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
I agree, in principle, with what OnTheWayOut wrote. Creator would not prescribe a right path towards Him because every one is His child, acceptable to Him. There are many ways to know the beneficial ways, as Confucius rightly puts it: "By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and
third by experience, which is the bitterest.
does anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
We call something poisonous because we don’t know its proper use. Oxygen and Nitrogen are poisonous if breathed in separately; but becomes life-sustaining if breathed in ideal mixture of both with 78.09% nitrogen + 20.95% oxygen along with other gases and vapor in right proportion.
So is the case with other things you mention such as fungi. If Alexander Fleming can make an accidental discovery of Penicillin while he was studying staphylococcus, a type of bacteria that can sometimes cause infections in humans, it shows on purpose we find proper uses of everything we term as poisonous or wasteful.
Just like Police Department has trained dogs for things which they are unable to do we can do the same with all other species. Problem is that many people waste their time on unnecessary things such as creating mountains of wealth which they will use only a negligible part of it. Look at what 8 persons have done on earth. (https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/jan/16/worlds-eight-richest-people-have-same-wealth-as-poorest-50)
does anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
Look at the effect of truth on people who claim to have received truth. Look at the widespread crime against children and women by religious leaders. When people go deep into science, some lose their faith in God where as faith of others becomes stronger, hence you have two groups of scientists—those believing in God and those who do not. Despite the findings of quantum physics many scientists today still cling onto the prevailing matter-oriented worldview against the conviction of Max Plank, the very father of Quantum Theory.
I read the book of nature (not any scriptures) and learn very practical principles such as the following:
1) Everything in the universe is held by Gravity which operates in its SOFTNESS even though it is very powerful.
2) Trees and plants are food and flower factories which function in SILENCE and give us SWEETNESS and FRAGRANCE, and they work for others (not for themselves).
I find more than enough principles in the above to make my life meaningful and joyful.
yesterday i was talking to a witness who has some connections with witnesses in india.
when i mentioned about the plan of selling the branch property, he was saying ‘this is a clever move as they fear a ban in that country as recently happened in russia.’.
this shows what type of trust they have in jehovah!.
Yes steve2,
Really I could not control my laughter within me.
Where is their Abrahamic faith they proudly speak of?
there is no charm in going to a cricket match after knowing the result.
similarly, there is no charm in living if there is nothing left to know.
we are surrounded by both—knowledge and mystery.
Hi sparky1
In larger view, anything that happens is a part of process which has its roots into past; hence no correct conclusion can be made by looking only at the end point. When a tree on the road-side is cut down, limited view can link it with final cut done on it whereas larger view may point to a man who made so many cuttings with his axe before that tree fell, and yet he was not the cause because he was only hired to cut the tree down because Electricity Officials asked the land owner to remove the tree because it was touching the electric cables. Doctors are good examples in trying to get a whole picture. When patients come to them, doctors ask many questions to the patients or their relatives to ascertain the disease and its cause because they know certain diseases have their roots in attitudes and even in heredity which are all invisible factors. It means cause may be visible or invisible, immediate or distant into past indefinite.
If attentively and objectively analyzed, one would see that destiny is the result of habit, and habit is the result of tendency, and tendency is the result of repeated action, and action is the result of thinking and thinking is the result of belief system, and belief system is the result of family, religion, country … into which one is born. That means there is a starting point and an end point for anything that happens—small or big. If one chooses certain food-habits and life-styles that contribute to excess insulin, he will finally reach the world of diabetic patients. If one lives “in fear and believes that he is not good enough,” he will finally reach the world of ulcer patients. If one feels he “is standing in a situation he hates” and feels “discouraged, overworked and overburdened” he may reach the world of people suffering from varicose vein. If one “squeezes all the joy in favor of money or position” he may finally reach the world of people who suffer from “heart attacks.” If a woman hates or “rejects her femininity” she may reach the world of those suffering from menstrual problems. (You can heal your body, by Luis L Hay, P 205, 206, 175, 185) In contrast, if a woman develops excessive attachment to her femininity and happens to be reborn as a male because of either karmic, genetic or other reasons, that person may still psychologically remain as female in a male body (or vice versa) who is called transgender.
We may not be aware of all the choices our souls make even now in this present life. For example, in one’s mind around 60000-80000 (https://www.successconsciousness.com) thoughts are unconsciously created daily, and whatever action one performs (in thinking, speaking and acting) consciously or unconsciously is also recorded so that memory is made possible. Such great activities of creation and recording are automatically done just like blood automatically flows from a cut whether it is caused by a blade by choice or by chance. Action repeated would results in repeated recording which is at the root of getting one’s tendency formed. Other vital activities such as circulations (heat, air, blood, life-force …etc), digestion, growth, repairing and renewing of cells …etc are all done unconsciously. But they are all done with the knowledge and supervision of consciousness (or soul) because the very primary aspect of soul is knowledge, as Nobel Laureate Max Planck [Father of Quantum Theory, also called Father of modern physics] rightly puts it: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”(The Observer, 25 January 1931) “Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” (The Mental Universe, published in Nature, International Journal of Science, July 07, 2005) If soul is “the creator and governor” of the body, then it means soul KNOWS how to build and maintain the body. It also knows when to discard the present body, and when and where to take a new body, in what shape of the body, in which community and in whose company in particular, in which part of the globe and way in which it will die….etc. People who have subjected themselves to Past Regression were surprised to see that all the details of present life were decided by soul before taking the present body. (Destiny of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton)
Thus God is in no way connected to what happens to people. Everything happens according to the automatic and neutral mechanism called Action and Consequences. The person in your picture can have his imperfections restored in the incoming new world. (Mathew 19:28)