amiable atheist said: Your cherry picking exercise gets a "cute" for naïveté
Interestingly, Bible itself asks us to 'cherry pick' (1 Thess 5:21) because Bible contains more of foreign bodies than truth. (Act 20:29; Mathew 13:24:30)
Even if my conclusion is based on some story, acceptance helps me as it makes my life relaxed. In acceptance, you don’t resist, hence saves lots of energy. Contrast this with expectation and its attendant worries. Worrying about what might happen (future), when the moment has not yet come for it to happen, takes away from us the necessary energy to deal with it when it finally arrives. Living in memories drains our energy; the past already happened and no longer exists, except in our memory. We feed memories, not realizing that emerging the memory in our mind distracts us from the present and weakens us. We lose our energy when we relive an experience that already happened, and in the end we feel disappointed, feeling a mental and emotional waste.