Anti-family verses Jesus supposedly spoke are the creation of apostate Christianity because they wanted followers to put organizational interests above their families. Jesus who stood for unconditional love (Mathew 5:44-48) and peace-making (Mathew 5:8) could not have advocated any of those anti-family verses (that was obviously put into his mouth by those with vested interests).
Jesus said we can have unambiguous lessons from looking at The Book of Nature (Mathew 6:26) which means he is asking his listeners to be dynamic and make own lessons from the Book of Nature. For example, I have made the following lessons:
1) I see earth is fine-tuned not only for my sustenance but also for my enjoyment. This inspires me to fine-tune all my actions (thinking, speaking, and acting) for the welfare of all which includes my family members too—with whom I have to be in peace.
2) I see earth is only a dust-sized in comparison with the vast universe, which means I have no sound basis to cultivate ego which makes life (own and of others) a hell.
3) History shows that everyone enters empty-handed and exits empty-handed which means in principle we do not posses anything, but only use possessions for a limited period and pass on to others which teaches me to have a trustee attitude, like Abraham who is called “a friend of God” because he had this trustee attitude or guest attitude (Heb 11:13)