Jewish concept of Messiah as a global CONQUEROR ‘with Jehovah’s hand being constantly supporting him in His sworn integrity’ (Isaiah 42:7) and with the promise that 'he will not grow dim at any time' (Isaiah 42:4) is continuing in New Testament also where we find Jesus unambiguously declaring through the great illustration of vine yard that God had assured him that he would not be killed by anyone while on earth. (Mathew 21:37). Interestingly, it is from this portion of Isaiah (42:1-8) that Mathew quotes to prove Jesus's messiahship. (Mathew 12:18)
This concept suffered a great fall with apostate Christianity depicting the Messiah as a conquered one so that he can ‘take away the sins of the world’—a teaching that was obviously designed to attract all sorts of people into this new emerging religion with the intent of becoming number one in the world.