It is likely to happen, I feel.
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
Are older women holding the congregations together (at least in the US)?
by Spiral inso i went and had a facial yesterday, and the aesthetician (and business owner) was a 30 something women, and we got on very well from the start.
the conversation came around to how many new churches are being built in this area, and i said i was surprised by it all.
she had a very interesting take on the situation.
Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia Interrogated by Masked Police
by pale.emperor in
i guess the gb's idea of writing to the russian government last year didn't help?
now they have their names and addresses in which to raid their homes.. i sometimes wonder if the gb knew this would happen and wanted it to happen to ensure they'd be persecuted thus creating their own fulfillment of prophecy..
It shows human wisdom is at work. God's wisdom would have preempted such untoward incidents.
Satan. Lucifer. Devil
by Doug Mason insearchable.. full contents listing at the rear.. .
In some cultures, the concept of Satan is very simple. They saw the five sensual pleasures are addictive in nature; hence excessive enjoyment of the senses was symbolically equated as being possessed by five ghosts which provides a basis for diseases. This simple explanation was to show that it is possible to have control over sensual pleasures, limited use of which would result in health. But this was elaborated into a vast subject of Satan, and wicked spirits etc.
Are the Christian Greek Scriptures (the NT) Jewish or Gentile?
by fulltimestudent intoday's oxford university press blog has a brief discussion by biblical scholar, ann conway-jones**, examining how we may 'see' the nt?.
"the new testament: jewish of gentile.".
conway-jones acknowledges the work of jewish scholars (for example, geza vermes) in correcting some mistaken historical christian viewpoints.
Concept of Messiah originated from a theological dilemma (not from God). When Jews' claim of being a chosen nation was foiled by the Babylonians, they had to invent another claim that a Messiah would restore what was lost to them. This concept was unwittingly relayed by NT writers through Jesus.
Even this too was done thoughtlessly. If the concept of Messiah was really from God, Messiah would be sent only in the concluding period of this world, not 2000 years before which would make room for all the distortions and confusions with over 41000 warring Christian sects. If concept of Messiah originated from God, He would have sent Messiah during the time of Television and internet when everyone on earth could have witnessed all his miracles and resurrections live which would mark the end of all religions and atheism.
Noah`s day Flood ? ( again) Waters Covering Active Volcanoes ?
by smiddy3 ini know their have been many posts dedicated to this subject already and i apologize if this aspect has been handled before.. apart from the many other absurdities relating to the flood of noah`s day being literal as jehovah`s witnesses believe and already thrashed out here by the many posts previous.. i was wondering if this aspect has been considered that the waters would have had to cover over active volcanoes with what result ?.
their are a number of" active and resting" volcanoes at any one time around the earth and i`m just wondering if anyone more knowledgeable than me about the subject would like to weigh in and give their 2 cents worth in what effect a global flood covering volcanoes would have ?.
i am aware their are fissures in the deep oceans where volcanic activity occurs ,but is this the same ?.
The fact that Jesus differed with regard to details (Mt 24:36) shows account is to be seen in its essence--there was destruction to the old world, and a new world started.
Are the Christian Greek Scriptures (the NT) Jewish or Gentile?
by fulltimestudent intoday's oxford university press blog has a brief discussion by biblical scholar, ann conway-jones**, examining how we may 'see' the nt?.
"the new testament: jewish of gentile.".
conway-jones acknowledges the work of jewish scholars (for example, geza vermes) in correcting some mistaken historical christian viewpoints.
Hi WTWizard,
In fact, Jesus had no idea about him being a messiah. For him, God is the one who preforms "renewal" or "restoration" (Mathew 19:28; Act 3:21) whenever provisions for life's enjoyments are depleted/destroyed because of unwise choices of humans. Thus God is the most important person in the universe, yet the one who keeps Himself in the lowest profile possible, seeking no worship/prominence [sign of ego], or even gratitude [which makes His love conditional/impure] from beneficiaries of restoration. (Luke 6:38) He comes when there is a need, and goes into silence thereafter. Thus His action speaker louder than words!
Are the Christian Greek Scriptures (the NT) Jewish or Gentile?
by fulltimestudent intoday's oxford university press blog has a brief discussion by biblical scholar, ann conway-jones**, examining how we may 'see' the nt?.
"the new testament: jewish of gentile.".
conway-jones acknowledges the work of jewish scholars (for example, geza vermes) in correcting some mistaken historical christian viewpoints.
Jewish concept of Messiah as a global CONQUEROR ‘with Jehovah’s hand being constantly supporting him in His sworn integrity’ (Isaiah 42:7) and with the promise that 'he will not grow dim at any time' (Isaiah 42:4) is continuing in New Testament also where we find Jesus unambiguously declaring through the great illustration of vine yard that God had assured him that he would not be killed by anyone while on earth. (Mathew 21:37). Interestingly, it is from this portion of Isaiah (42:1-8) that Mathew quotes to prove Jesus's messiahship. (Mathew 12:18)
This concept suffered a great fall with apostate Christianity depicting the Messiah as a conquered one so that he can ‘take away the sins of the world’—a teaching that was obviously designed to attract all sorts of people into this new emerging religion with the intent of becoming number one in the world.
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
Doubtful 1799,
It is like identifying notes in the false place in music. This is easy for those who have a taste for music.
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
Anti-family verses Jesus supposedly spoke are the creation of apostate Christianity because they wanted followers to put organizational interests above their families. Jesus who stood for unconditional love (Mathew 5:44-48) and peace-making (Mathew 5:8) could not have advocated any of those anti-family verses (that was obviously put into his mouth by those with vested interests).
Jesus said we can have unambiguous lessons from looking at The Book of Nature (Mathew 6:26) which means he is asking his listeners to be dynamic and make own lessons from the Book of Nature. For example, I have made the following lessons:
1) I see earth is fine-tuned not only for my sustenance but also for my enjoyment. This inspires me to fine-tune all my actions (thinking, speaking, and acting) for the welfare of all which includes my family members too—with whom I have to be in peace.
2) I see earth is only a dust-sized in comparison with the vast universe, which means I have no sound basis to cultivate ego which makes life (own and of others) a hell.
3) History shows that everyone enters empty-handed and exits empty-handed which means in principle we do not posses anything, but only use possessions for a limited period and pass on to others which teaches me to have a trustee attitude, like Abraham who is called “a friend of God” because he had this trustee attitude or guest attitude (Heb 11:13)
Jesus—a real, historical person
by Ireneus injesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
Hi doubtfull1799,
If Romans knew Jesus was not a historical person, using his name to market their product of slavery would only backfire on them. If someone makes a counterfeit currency, it shows original currency is more real than the counterfeit currency.
The historical Jesus was like a sage/prophet who taught the principles of humanism--not a performer of miracles. He lived long enough and died a natural death (