Happiness is your decision. Mind is such a wonderful instrument that if you think you have never been a JW, then you are not. If you think, you have been a victim, then you are a victim. What is gone is gone and what is to come will come. Life is the moment between those two. There is no difficulty to take control of that moment and to get involved in what we are doing now.
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
How To Become Who You Are
by Brokeback Watchtower inbeing a jehovah's witness for many years has a very damaging effect on becoming who he really are, many of the drives we were born with get subverted to corporation's directives, and we stuff lots of ourselves into our shadow(jungian), as we take on the "new personality" we become an easy to manipulate corporate drone.
in other words we really loose contact with authentic self, and to some extent a little hollow.. a search for our true self will require some alone time and can be scary and filled with some perils.
i did it for some time and it can make you a little odd, and you could wind up doing some crazy shit but over all i will say it was necessary and eventually rewarding, and i gotten quite used to it and now a days i have people around but value my time alone when every i can get it.. anyway this video interest me and i thought i would share.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfyczlbcavk.
The people who decided the Scriptures
by Doug Mason inmany people over many centuries have been involved in deciding which documents were scripture.
there has never been unanimous agreement, including today.
only the church of rome took a vote on the canon.
Those who decided canon obviously looked for convenient teachings. In most of the apocryphal books, we can see teaching of immortality of soul which poses problem for the teaching of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. Hence they had to weed out all books which speak of immortality of soul directly or indirectly. Thus they replaced truth with some human philosophy. Immortality of soul was a scientific truth for Wernher von Braun (the father of rocket technology and space science in the United States) who is famous for this quote: “I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal. Everything science has taught me and continues to teach me-strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace.” This is true in the case of nobel Laureate Max Planck [Father of Quantum Theory which revolutionized physicsand opened the way for Albert Einstein's theory of relativity] who wrote: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”(The Observer, 25 January 1931)
This understanding is the basis for ‘loving one’s neighbor as himself’ which can make this earth a heaven, as Carl Gustav Jung, beautifully put it: “Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.”
Thus those who determined canon brought a list in disservice to what Jesus said in John 8:31: Truth will set you free.” What really happened was: "The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear." (Herbert Agar)
In his book The Text of the New Testament, Dr. Vincent Taylor writes that "The manuscripts of the New Testament preserve traces of two kinds of dogmatic alterations: those which involve the elimination or alteration of what was regarded as doctrinally unacceptable or inconvenient, and those which introduce into the Scriptures proof for a favorite theological tenet or practice". (http://BibleCorruption.com ).
Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife
by JW Answers insalvation : "heaven, hell and the afterlife.
"the jehovah's witnesses believe only 144,000 will make it to heaven, they dismiss the concept of a literal hell, and do not believe in the afterlife.
in this new video, i explain from the scriptures who go to heaven, who go to hell and is the afterlife proven in the bible?
What the Bible says cannot often be taken as truth. Writers have put their own thoughts also into the Bible. For example,
1)Moses wrote “no would live after seeing the face of the Almighty,” hence no one should come close to the mountain where God comes to him to give ten commandment. This is his own concept of Almighty. Almighty should be able to show his power in full or in part, and would be able to offer a tender kiss to an infant without burning him to death. Then only He will be called Almighty.
2)Many Bible writers have the notion that woman is inferior, yet we know that they are not. Look at the CIA Director who is a woman.
Hence what the Bible says about a burning hell cannot be literally true. After life is definite as present life is definite. If present life is true, then it is a continuation from the past life as Wernher von Braun (the father of rocket technology and space science in the United States) puts it: “I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal. Everything science has taught me and continues to teach me-strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace.”
After quantum physics, subject of soul is no more a difficult one to grapple with. Nobel Laureate Max Planck [Father of Quantum Theory which revolutionized physics and opened the way for Albert Einstein's theory of relativity] said: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” (The Observer, 25 January 1931)
Many people don’t have time to ponder about matters pertaining to the deeper reality, the invisible and eternal reality wearing the visible and ephemeral body as they are busy with “here and now.” Yet in many parts of the world, Governments are secretly involved in tapping the heather-to unknown powers of the soul, hence information about soul and its amazing powers remain as a secret kept from the eyes of the mainstream public world.
For example, government-sponsored program to investigate ESP and its potential use within the Intelligence Community which is named STAR GATE.
This shows, there is after-life, but we do not know what type of after life it is and where it would be. Let it be a surprise. What charm is there if you go for watching a cricket match if you already knew the result?
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
The very fact that God allowed some Bible writers to present Him correctly and other to misrepresent Him shows that He has no message to people both wrote on their own. Also, the design of universe is such that anyone can draw any conclusion. Even among physicists, one group believe universe is expanding, other group say it is rotating, another group says it is neither but directionless. (https://www.space.com/34189-universe-is-directionless-study-finds.html) Atheists can see enough proof for their belief and theists can also see enough proof for their belief. This is because people always see what they want to see. And knowledge also often doesn’t help hence we find both good and bad people among both the groups—atheists and theists.
Yet our common sense says peaceful dealing with others is the greatest worship (Mathew 5:9), yet there is no compulsion from God (Revelation 22:11). One has to find his own purpose in life which is very easy if he looks at his own body. If you give a soft, disciplined, and nourishing treatment to your body, it gives you back health, and vice versa. If you give the same to other bodies, the same would return to you. If you examine history of nations (individuals collective) you will find this happening in large scale. It means if we want, we can bring meaning, depth and beauty into our lives. In the case of some, this happens any time during their life-time, and in the case of others it would happen when they near their death, as one scientist put it: “I spent my whole life with particles, and now I find that life has slipped out of my fingers.”
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
There was one study I read somewhere regarding the history of scientists of last 500 years. If you take the earliest among them, you will find 50 out of 52 were believers in God. I can quote any one of them, or from the prominent ones of this lists:
http://www.adherents.com/people/100_scientists.html http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/sciencefaith.html
The reason why I quoted J.R.R. Tolkien is that what he said perfectly matched with the point I was trying to highlight.
Everyone knows that no Science is possible without applying mental power. But, what is the source of this mental power? Nikola Telsa ( best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system) had this to say: “The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.….The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
Yes I agree with you, Crazyguy
We have only myths. If we don’t like one myth, then we end up replacing it with another myth. If religious stories are myth, then materialism is also a myth. If one says thread turned itself and made his cloth, another would say it is a myth. In the same vein, we can say chemicals turned themselves into DNA and finally into this greater cloth called body, that’s also a myth.
“We have come from God, and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God. Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming 'sub-creator' and inventing stories, can Man aspire to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall. Our myths may be misguided, but they steer however shakily towards the true harbour, while materialistic 'progress' leads only to a yawning abyss and the Iron Crown of the power of evil.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
Of all the myths I find the scanty details about the first God found in the Bible makes more sense than second one elaborately depicted in the Bible.
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
Come on orphancrow, you brought the subject of medical science, hence I was trying to be formal, saying your medical science.
Hence I change the wordings for you. Medical science can do nothing when nations go into a spree of using all their weapons.
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
When nations start using weapons like Poseidon, your medical science can do nothing.
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
I used the phrase “fallen state” in the sense that humans could have been better in the past than us today. We make improvement only in technology, not in our behavior pattern. If one’s blood pressure is increasing day by day, we know that it is not a good sign. Similarly, our nations are becoming stronger and stronger as the time passes by assuring Mutually Assured Destruction with the latest being the introduction of Poseidon, the world destroyer, from Russia—https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a22537135/russias-nuclear-tsunami-apocalypse-torpedo-is-named-poseidon/).
Even when we make improvements in technology, later we find it was not at all a progress. For example, cell phones used by almost everyone now. Its irregular microwave pulses create disturbing patterns on functional MRI studies. There have been studies that say cell phone microwave energy is often toxic to brain cells.
Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 — The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use. Int Agency Research on Cancer 2011
In summary, this study provides evidence that in humans RF-EMF exposure from cell phone use affects brain function, as shown by the regional increases in metabolic activity. It also documents that the observed effects were greatest in brain regions that had the highest amplitude of RF-EMF emissions (for the specific cell phones used in this study and their position relative to the head when in use), which suggests that the metabolic increases are secondary to the absorption of RF-EMF energy emitted by the cell phone. Further studies are needed to assess if these effects could have potential long-term harmful consequences. Jama Network 2011
There are many more: https://bigthink.com/laurie-vazquez/6-scientists-who-regret-their-greatest-inventions
If you say “fallen state” is a myth, opposite camp can say what you say is also a myth as theories are bound to receive jolt occasionally like this: “Mysterious ancient humans with brains like modern people.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/ancient-humans-homo-naledi-brains-intelligence-evolution-behaviour-a8351451.html
Two Gods seen in the Bible
by Ireneus ina careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
Amelia Ashton
You are looking at the fallen state of affairs of mankind and making these comments. In the pre-fallen state, humans could have been far better than what we are now. Regarding other species excelling in certain areas in comparison to humans, you are making category error—it is like asking ‘why can’t trees fly?’ Each species is unique contributing to the variety and beauty of the nature. Among all the species, you can see some general divisions—species with one sense, species with two senses, three senses, four senses, and five senses. But when it comes to humans, they have six senses—touch (pressure), hearing, seeing, smelling, taste, and intuitive/inventive thinking. You will note lower species do not have what we have—intuition, ability to come up with revolutionary ideas and reasoning, ability to design sophisticated machines …etc.