The wordings suggest much
of the Bible is written by false friends of God. To mention a few:
1) God planted a special tree to pay the way for suffering
and death into the lives of His children.
2) God protected Cain who murdered his innocent brother
out of sheer jealousy
3) God confused languages out of His own jealousy
towards mankind’s prestigious building project.
4) God tested Abraham asking him to murder his only son.
5) God repeatedly hardened the heart of Pharaoh.
6) God instigated Satan to go after His own faithful
devotee Job.
7) God called David ‘a man after His
own heart’ (Acts 13:22) who had no
idea about God’s impartiality (Deut 10:17), hence offered to his would be
father-in-law a gift of 200 foreskins of Philistines after killing them all to receive
Michal as his wife (1 Sam 18:27).
8) God led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted by
9) God creates the born blind “so that
the works of God might be displayed.”
(John 9:3)
10) God asks His people not even to greet those who
disagree with them.
True friends of God would not depict God in such a demeaning way! True friends would have been careful to use
wordings that would present God as having very appealing personality as seen in Mathew 25:31-46 where we find a God who judges people on the basis of how humane they were rather than on the basis of their religious beliefs..