Look at the effect of
truth on people who claim to have received truth. Look at the widespread crime
against children and women by religious leaders. When people go deep into
science, some lose their faith in God where as faith of others becomes
stronger, hence you have two groups of
scientists—those believing in God and those who do not. Despite the
findings of quantum physics many scientists today still cling onto the prevailing
matter-oriented worldview against the conviction of Max Plank, the very father
of Quantum Theory.
I read the book of
nature (not any scriptures) and learn very practical principles such as the
1) Everything
in the universe is held by Gravity which operates in its SOFTNESS even though it is very powerful.
2) Trees
and plants are food and flower factories which function in SILENCE and give us SWEETNESS
and FRAGRANCE, and they work for others (not for themselves).
I find more than
enough principles in the above to make my life meaningful and joyful.