@Coded Logic:
I don't understand why you think evolution should explain the origin of thought.
You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
@Coded Logic:
I don't understand why you think evolution should explain the origin of thought.
You don't think darwinism can/should explain the origin of thought?
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
@dubstepped: feeling salty mate? easy fix: go to youtube and look at a Nicki Minaj video with the sound off.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Before someone strawman me for the 117th time: I don't say evolution cannot explain thought in principle. I don't say thought proves evolution wrong. I say evolution RIGHT NOW don't explain the origin of thought well.
And that ain't my opinion but the evolution of actual biologists who have done the hard work.
(and now I bet someone will go: "herp-derp, that was never in dispute". In which case I ask: Why was my post controversial to begin with)
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Similarly, organic evolution is not junk science simply because we are not yet able to unite related areas of inquiry under the same umbrella.
I never said evolution is junk science, I believe in evolution FFS.
Don't read what other assume about me but what I say. I said at the outset there was things we don't know about darwinism(=evolution) and things we knew.
Then Cofty jumped on top of me and said darwinism wasn't a thing.
Then I posted a link to wikipedia which said otherwise.
Then cofty got ridiculous and said he knew better than wikipedia (yah that actually happened)
Then he asked me what we didn't know about evolution.
Then I wrote a list.
Then cofty got even more silly and of it went from there and all of a sudden I am made into a creationist...
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Cofty, first try:
I've never heard of the 'Nopel prize'.
BRAVO! nitpicker. Mind going back to the topic?
Cofty, second try:
Perhaps you could clear up any misunderstanding by stating what things you think we do now for sure about biological evolution.
I'll get right on that after you state what things we know for sure about chemistry bro!
You do know evolution is kind of a big research area, like thousands and thousands of scientific articles.
If you are trolling me then just hop along troll... otherwise, seriously, you think everything we know for sure about evolution can fit into a single post??? (I am asking you in all honesty bc I thought you knew more about evolution than that!)
The Standard Model should really explain dark matter. It is supposed to explain all particles.
Alternatively, the standard model is trying to explain .. I don't know .. the forces and particles that are actually in the standard model???
The theory of evolution on the other hand, has been verified in countless ways, and there are no longer any mysteries of any significance.
incredibly silly thing to say. You don't think the origin of thought is a serious scientific question? you don't think there is more to explore within evolution?
Do you wonder what evolutionists do their research about?
Anyway my point: with regards to the standard model, you assume it cannot be known to have been confirmed unless it explains EVERYTHING. With evolution, you give it a pass even though there is a ton of stuff we still don't know.
you see the problem?
According to your way of thinking, newtonian mechanics or relativity are not true beyond all reasonable doubt either... so yah, we are back to relativism where nothing is really true lol.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Love the bias by some liberal posters: Just bc I am not a liberal & defend Donald Trump against the very unfair criticism he receives, some of you guys assume I am a moron who believes in creationism and attack me with a bunch of pathetic arguments which just shows you didn't read a single word I wrote to begin with!!
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
Are you sure?
Yes I am damn sure. If you somehow know what thought is and how it evolved please submit your ideas to the Nopel prize people and share some of the money with me lol.
It is amazing how much of an opinion you can have on something you clearly still do not understand.
lol, like you got a PHD in the standard model! I am a guy who keep myself informed just like you, so what about taking me serious and I will do the same to you ok?
Or are you confusing evolution with origin of life studies?
Are you confusing your ass with your elbow?
The geological landscape formed over billions of years and yet we can still say with certainty how it came about
Yep, all about geology is known.... it is not like subduction zones are a thing...
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
But there is still a healthy level of inquiry and debate in this field. Why, for example is a superb conductor, like gold foil, utterly opaque to photons?
and how do f#cking magnets work??
There are ppl that know this stuff just google it.
you can't compare this to something like thought where scientist have no flipping clue how it even works much less explain how it got to be like it is.
I am not saying that mean God made it or anything. But u can't equate evolution to something like the standard model bc there are so many things about evolution we still don't know because it happened a billion years ago.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
@shepherdless: lol, you are applying an ENORMEOUS double standard!
There are things the standard model does not explain like dark matter and other things that falls outside its scope. but within what it tries to explain it is pretty damn precise. tell me a single experiment that it has failed?
evolutionary theory on the other hand have no explanation for a bunch of stuff, like the origin of thought.
so if you want to say the standard model has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt bc it does not explain EVERYTHING (like dark matter), you got to apply the same principle to evolution.
i sat with my board and pieces like a new orleans hooker in a window with a red light, displaying my wanton intentions--eager for action.. last evening in barnes & noble.tuesdays the chess club meets there.. i arrived with my infamous black bag of pawns and rooks and other deadly concealed weapons of regicide--an old warrior in a strange land.. presently, a mother and her son stepped forward.
he was about 12.____mother: “oh, sir--my son has become obsessed with the game of chess and i thought if hecould play some real games with experienced players he might enjoy that.
would it be okay if kevin played a game with you?”.
whats your rating @dropoffyourkeylee?