@Island Man:
Two points. First, the job of the president of the United States is to protect the US and not South Korea.
Second point: If we do nothing, this problem is going to be a million times worse in 10 years when the North Koreans got nuclear subs, nuclear ICMBs, etc. etc. At that point they WILL be able to attack South Korea and get away with it because they got nukes.
Trump has done the right thing and told North Korea that if they attack us or South Korea, they get nuked. Simple choice. It is about time to lay down the law.
The US didn't cave to the Soviet Union when it threatened with nukes and I don't think we should cave to a shithole of a dictatorship just because they threaten to attack another country.
"There's virtually no way to take out all of NK's military might before they can retaliate."
This is like saying no to having an infected appendix removed because it will hurt.
You think we should just sit back like Obama and allow them to build a stockpile of Nuclear ICMBs?