you seriously need to look into the history of catalonia.
one way or another, you believe the decisions made in large parts by a dead dictator (Franco) are more important than the will of the people.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
you seriously need to look into the history of catalonia.
one way or another, you believe the decisions made in large parts by a dead dictator (Franco) are more important than the will of the people.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
I am hearing a lot of legalistic mumbo-jumbo. sure, let us for all eternity be ruled by what changes Franco made to catalonias status because Francos opinion on the matter is much more important than the ppl who actually live there.
BTW what right did india have to secede from the United Kingdom? surely we should undo all the unlawfulness that occurred when colonialism ended lol.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
Catalan land belongs to ...
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
yah and britain belongs to the EU so lets send in the troops to quell the unrest...
A country belongs to its people. you are thinking like a statist and a globalist.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
On what grounds should Spain give Catalonians independence since Catalonian ground belongs to Spain?
you keep thinking what is written on some document is more important than the will of the people in a democracy. in a democracy what matters is what ppl vote for IMO.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
@Fisherman: In a democracy, what matters is the will of the people and not legislation.
The idea ppls democratic right of self-determination should be secondary to laws made by ppl living far away is what gave us EU and all the other globalist crap. Pure fascism IMO.
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
@slimboy: The EU is run by globalists. They want to smash and punish Catalonia far more than any spanish politician.
The last thing globalists want is that ppl realize that they can decide for themselves in a democracy (see Brexit...).
when i first became a witness, i always found the teaching about jesus being the arch angel michael hard to swallow.
i did however believe that jesus pre existed as a master worker alongside god (the first of his creation).. but now everything is brought into question having watched anthony buzzard explain why jesus could not have pre existed as it is impossible to pre exist yourself.
also the fact that it all sounds contradictory to suggest, he was already alive millions of years before he was transferred to mary's womb to be born as a human - the son of man?.
The historian Richard Carrier has presented a compelling case Jesus didn't exist for some years now. It has made biblical historians so angry he had to prove it with a mathematical method he developed; so far nobody has disproven his argument AFAIK, or even tried to.
you can read all about it here:
On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt ...
His calculations provide bounds that Jesus exist between 30% and less than 1%. Good enough for me!
Truth hurts. Why do you want to quit in the first place?
i think everyone has the freedom to protest, they also have freedom of speech, these are two fundamental things that make america amazing.
but thinking rationally about what is going on with the nfl, therefore, i have an unfavorable opinion of the league, and the players, not their right to free speech, but their motive and execution of it.
constitutional freedom to protest ends at the workplace door too.
@jp: Probably a few years since you went to school!
Even the best universities are rotten to the core; diploma mills designed to indoctrinate young ones. A few stem programs are ok but you could get rid of 80% of "higher education" and everyone would be better of!
Listen to this guy (a real professor!) for the inside scoop!