Cofty, first try:
I've never heard of the 'Nopel prize'.
BRAVO! nitpicker. Mind going back to the topic?
Cofty, second try:
Perhaps you could clear up any misunderstanding by stating what things you think we do now for sure about biological evolution.
I'll get right on that after you state what things we know for sure about chemistry bro!
You do know evolution is kind of a big research area, like thousands and thousands of scientific articles.
If you are trolling me then just hop along troll... otherwise, seriously, you think everything we know for sure about evolution can fit into a single post??? (I am asking you in all honesty bc I thought you knew more about evolution than that!)
The Standard Model should really explain dark matter. It is supposed to explain all particles.
Alternatively, the standard model is trying to explain .. I don't know .. the forces and particles that are actually in the standard model???
The theory of evolution on the other hand, has been verified in countless ways, and there are no longer any mysteries of any significance.
incredibly silly thing to say. You don't think the origin of thought is a serious scientific question? you don't think there is more to explore within evolution?
Do you wonder what evolutionists do their research about?
Anyway my point: with regards to the standard model, you assume it cannot be known to have been confirmed unless it explains EVERYTHING. With evolution, you give it a pass even though there is a ton of stuff we still don't know.
you see the problem?
According to your way of thinking, newtonian mechanics or relativity are not true beyond all reasonable doubt either... so yah, we are back to relativism where nothing is really true lol.