"It's good til it's bad. What I mean by that is the spell you're unknowingly under can seem or even be happy or joyous until there's some event that chips away at this perceived happiness. What's the event? A loved one is treated harshly or even disfellowshipped. A major injury or illness strikes and your very life is at stake as you must refuse blood . You child is in danger and the mishandling by the body and the organization leave a very poor taste in your mouth."
This is a true statement...they are happy as long as all is well...but let something happen that they feel is unfair, you'll see a different side to them. I'm also tired of them saying...well they are imperfect. I've come across situations where a brother may have said or done something...I would say, I wonder why so & so...but the friends will say, well, he is imperfect...but when it happens to them, they say something entirely different...I told them I learned the statement from you guys...Well, he or she is imperfect. When a one of the friends come to me to say something about the org. or an Elder, etc, I'll just chant what they chanted to me...Well, they are imperfect, & they'll say well, it's more than that....& they want you to agree. But, when it's your turn, they'll tell your...The Chant...so I told them one day...was is that excuse good for you & not me...(more crickets). I don't think any of them are chosen by God, even mass murderers feel they are chosen to do what they do....that's kind of scary isn't it. Sinners & Saints, using the same line & the same God....There is a certain breed of person that is attracted to this org. Why I'm here, who knows...I wasn't depressed on anything when I came into the truth. I knew that had some of the truth but not all...& I love my congregation....I know some of us are crazy but most are nice crazy...But I wouldn't sleep on any of them....I pray to God to say, If this is not where I belong...help...but don't have me DF'd...