@Pale Emperor,
This is something to keep in mind....Mum is going to get older, even though she thinks the end is right around the corner. Who is going to look after her when she gets older ? I won't swear or bet, but it'll be you. I have found in this life, that the very people that say they don't need you .....eventually, they will. If you are a type of person who shuns your own family....basically you are a mean spirited person, so they most likely chase folks away.
I was the one who commented earlier about....what type of folks shun their own flesh & blood, what is the nature of this type of person ? Most of the time folks on here never answer me or reply...I think at times I make folks really think...or maybe I'm balanced even if I'm a witness...& I don't have any sob stories...but who cares, I'm on this site to vent & make sure, I'm not crazy....& others see & hear what I do.But all us on here need to really look at the core of a person who would shun someone....this question also makes us look at ourselves...Who are we really inside...I'm a witness...not hard core, but I like my congregation. When it comes to DF'ing, they always say, it's a loving thing to do....I just look at them, then in my mind...bingo...they exposed their real character. How could they have any real love in them...Love is a strong emotion...so strong, songs are written...One song that comes into mind is...Love is stronger than pride...it's like you can't turn it on or off...Even children Love no matter what type of parent they have, they could have a druggy parent, but they still love them. The worse parent could lock their child in a closet, when that parent opens the door, that child will reach out to them...
We have to pity those who shun, there is nothing in the bible that says this...folks have misinterpreted it completely....JW's use the bible to support some of their nonsense, cherry picking all over the place...But let me remind folks...the bible in the wrong hands can be fatal...Slave masters used the bible back in slavery days to uphold slavery...."Slaves be good to your Master". & Guess what? The slaves believed it because they couldn't read...so they couldn't read further to see what the bible really says.
I love this site...I read it daily...I mean daily....who ever started this site...
It's a beautiful thing.