Hi David_Jay,
I'm back....Even though I'm a witness, I agree with all that you wrote. As you said, JW's want to follow the bible but they should have done their research first..What I see is that they tailored the bible to fit them...just to be set-apart from other religions...I really love your break-down...I'll never be the same. The Society is about control. They want to control your life, if you allow them. Because they know best what God wants...
The Jews challenged God, & guess what? He let them. I can't remember the bible character, but God was going to get rid of all the Jews but Moses or was it Abraham, said, don't do that, why free them then kill them. Now JW's always say God never changes his mind, but in this case he did...come to think of it many times he changed his mind...JW's say God didn't change his mind but....I forget what they say, but hog wash...We are made in his image, so we change our mind & so does God.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the future, this JW thing is chocking me...The child abuse thing & other things. It's overwhelming..but I never thought it was God's org. I think I could be & do some much in God's service but being a witness is stifling. I want to walk away but made some good friends, but I know they won't be my friend if I leave...that's ok....just got to get up enough nerve, not to fear man....but I don't want to be DF'd either....I think I'm speaking for many on this site...You are an eye opener...
Keep up the good work, hope this is not the last of you.