Hi David_Jay,
You mirror my thoughts..."The way Jews see it, living honestly is more righteous than believing in things with all your heart but living a lie. It's what you do that matters because the world is effected by your actions...What matters is how you live your life.
Yes, this is what I believe...I kind of fell into being a witness...they say don't stand by the hole to close or too long...you just may fall in...bingo...that's what happened to me...I know what I'm into...I'm not blinded, so that's what makes me feel some type of freedom. I've learned so much from you & you make me feel that in my heart I got it...not the way the witnesses have it but the way God would like me to be, not a bunch of rules and regulations...Just be nice to folks, help when and where you can. Try to be a good person, & every day try to wake up to be a better person than you were the day before.
I find most other folks from other religions are nice folks...witnesses are a special breed of people that is attracted to this religion, haven't put my finger on it yet. So far, most of them are sickly, whiners, don't want to work & very judgmental. Oh yes, inbred...this is just to name a few. I once listened to this TV pastor, he said...back when their was leprosy they put folks together because they all had the same disease...so he brought it up to date...he said..What man can't cure they colonize...that's how I feel about witnesses...too long to go into details...but I feel he is right...I know you know what I mean.
I don't think this is the right place for me....but in time ...we shall see...again, thanks for being on this forum, I think you are a breath of fresh air...