Hi All,
I didn't see the series. I do know a Scientologist...They are much alike to JW's. But they don't like JW's. They say they seem to have no heart, when they come to the door and read a scripture they have no life it's like they are reciting..
I have been a witness for just a short while...my observation is that when a person is a witness and all is well,they have never been counseled or corrected, treated fairly, well liked and so on....but let them be treated unfairly or something or other burst their bubble about the org. only because now THEY HAVE BEEN OFFENDED. They have a very cavalier attitude when it happens to someone else in the congregation, they are quick to say, well they needed to be corrected, Satan was probably trying to get a hold of them or they were spiritually weak, many of us on here know what I mean. But when it happens to them the blinder finally come off. Why because it was ok when it was someone else now it's them...& not always but when that happens many end up on sites & say the org. is this and that. They shun, the doctrine, the hours, some of the brothers and sisters are unloving....now before they were offended or unjustly counseled this stuff was still going on but not to them.
What I've learned in this life is it's always the thief that screams the loudest. The thief can steal but when you take theirs, well that's a different story.
If JW's watch the series & all is well in the hall for them & their families. They are a part of a social group and they are in the in-crowd, no they won't see the similarities...because they are safe...but the ones who have had problems with a brother or sister & so on....when they see this series they would see the similarities. I've seen and heard this many times, if a brother gives you a direction, & you obey then you share with one of them, they'll say, well even though he is a brother but you don't have to follow. But if you say the same thing but say the brother told me to do this but I said I wasn't comfortable doing it, the friends would say, well he is a brother and you must follow them. Darn if you do and darn if you don't.
I'm finding many on the websites that are witnesses or x-witnesses they come on when they feel they have been treated wrongly, but if they weren't would they be on web-sites like these...I see many say, when they were in they didn't see it...but when mistreated oh well, now they can see clearly.
So JW's that are safe in their little paradise world will never see the similarities but when trouble comes then we will see them here. I'm happy for places like these web-sites and for people to be able to come to be healed but would they have come if all was still well in happy land...I'm here because I'm not on the fence, I would like to leave without being DF'd if possible. I see the truth for what it is. Many have buried their heads in the sand.
Someone said shunning of loved ones...true love does not shun. I know it's easier said then done but if your love ones only love you because you worship like them, walk and talk like them...are they truly love ones.....shun & love should not even be in the same sentence. It's a big world out there....this religion is good for folks who have OCD....everything is all neat and nice....home clean, bible clean and neat, all their publications neat, everything in it's place even God....I can live my life because everything is in order....
So all that to say, some will see it and some refuse to see it & some, one day when life in the org. is not so to them, they'll see it & we will see them on this site. But I'm glad they'll have this site or another one to come to when the bubble bust...because it would be unloving for me to say...or feel they should suffer. But when they were doing the shunning it was ok, but when it's comes back...we shall see them.