Hi All,
Jehovah (God, wonder why Gods' name is a Jewish name, ah, that's another topic all together). God changed the rules...in the OT you had to jump through hoops to please God, festival of this or that, go in the room with incense, don't enter this room, kill the lamb on this day don't cut it that way and such....Now God has changed the Game plan...he's put before mankind to take the place of all this religious antics & said....Believe I'm sending my son...not Michael but my son, to clear up all this stuff you humans have made up on your own to please me..so I'm changing the game....Believe in My Son, Jesus Christ, tell everyone you know about him...check him out, see how he lives on earth...he's an example of what I want you people to imitate...you know be good to one another....yeah, read your bible, see how Jesus treated folks...could you do that for me...again, I've changed the game....Believe in my son, believe he rose from the dead, believe I raised him from the dead and he walk among you...Believe he gave his life because I asked him to, don't you remember he said he really wanted to do it but he would do it cause of me his father (God). So people, those that believe their is a God, that's all I'm asking...Just believe in my son, don't believe he & I are the same, he really is my son, just wanted to show you what I would do for you...now I know some of you don't believe in me nor the Bible, that's your choice...
So all that to say is that God wants us to believe in his son Christ Jesus & the resurrection. & if a fairy land mind, wouldn't we all like to come back and be happy ? Who wouldn't