Hi All,
Excellent comments and all true. I used to smile when they would say that, because they really were thinking they were saying something that was so noble....like, JW's thought why should they bother with such frivolous thoughts of child abuse...not such a big deal, Jehovah will deal with it...
As many of you said JW's when backed into a corner will say Jehovah will take care of it in his own time. What else can they say.
Also mentioned here is that many don't see anything wrong until something offends them...Lets' face it most folks are selfish, don't care about nothing unless it involves them. Some even said they were the same when they were witnesses...I think we all see when we are not being empathetic but prefer to play is safe...it's called your conscience....
At times people complain about something that may seem trivial to one while in the org...I feel sometimes it's no big deal, but I have to remember it may be a big deal to them...this has nothing to do with being a witness...this has to do with just being a decent human being.
Many of the witnesses know but won't admit what they know because they are comfy where they are. They claim to have found the truth...if they were truly truth seekers they would have left the org. a while ago...
Why do many stay....their future is secure...all the fear they had of dying...all tied up in a few scriptures that say they are coming back, whew....
As many of you know, most JW's think the org. sticks to the bible more than any other religion...but they are just as flawless as the other religions...
You are so right, if the JW's were chosen by God, it would be obvious...
There is a song written a while ago, that kind of describes how some folks/JW's are, by English Beat....it's about a selfish man in a relationship with more than one woman, but he is having his cake and eating it too...he is hurting people but doesn't care....so this line in the song I never forgot, because it was so profound and shows how people really think and how selfish they can be..."I admit that I ruined 3 lives but I DID NOT CARE UNTIL I FOUND OUT ONE OF THEM (LIVES) WAS MINE"...this is folks...nothing bothers them until it BOTHERS THEM...why should they care, it didn't happen to them...just yet.
I began this topic only because I always heard that Jehovah chose the WT org. and not any other religion...so since the other religion was exposed first...I was just thinking that, that other religion was his mouth piece, since he didn't clean/expose the org. first.