God may not have known but Jesus knew....he spoke of it many times in the NT.... Jesus even asked that he didn't have to do it but only if his father willed it...
I think God had hope that it wouldn't turn out the way it did....his hope was for humans to resist Satan...Judas could have changed his mind....but he didn't. The play had been thought out, Jehovah all the time hoping we would resist the Devil.....
But let's really take a look at this picture, reminds me of a gangsta picture, the boss asked one of his pals or sons to take the fall for mankind, the boss says, don't worry, you won't take the fall for long...as a matter of fact, you'll be free in three days, whaddaya think...can you do it...now it's gonna hurt and you'll be humiliated...but just think in 3 days, you'll be up and free before you know it...So Jesus agrees to sacrifice himself....why? Well, he is a good guy,& he loves his Father, but this is not in the bible, or maybe man got it wrong when they wrote the bible....Jesus may have asked...You sure you are gonna resurrect me in 3 days?
Here's a question for all...would you sacrifice your life if you knew you were going to be raised to life in 3 days ? Most folks wouldn't sacrifice a ham sandwich at 11 o'clock at night....
The Bible is full of parables...they are just lessons for life... the Bible has been re-written by man...maybe God really said, I hope they respect my son....but if not..