Hi Ttwswf ,
That is a good point. Another treasure I can put in my anti Jw notes.
As witnesess say when you point out something they have bee reading for years in the Bible. So they just say.... so true. And your answer hit it on the nail.
was thinking.
this is jehovah's org.
so now let's take a look at jehovah's character, he gets angry yet he forgives sometimes a lot sometimes not so much but got to admit, he always sent a warning.
Hi Ttwswf ,
That is a good point. Another treasure I can put in my anti Jw notes.
As witnesess say when you point out something they have bee reading for years in the Bible. So they just say.... so true. And your answer hit it on the nail.
was thinking.
this is jehovah's org.
so now let's take a look at jehovah's character, he gets angry yet he forgives sometimes a lot sometimes not so much but got to admit, he always sent a warning.
Hi All,
Was thinking. This is Jehovah's org. So now let's take a look at Jehovah's character, he gets angry yet he forgives sometimes a lot sometimes not so much but got to admit, he always sent a warning. We are the same sometimes we forgive and sometimes we don't. At times we forgive when we think Jehovah should have. Jehovah showed we imitate more than we think.
Now here comes Jesus, he was perfect according to Jehovah and if you read the Bible he was. Who do you know that would wash the feet of his betrayer? Nobody.
Now Jehovah says imitate my son. He is nice. I'm made him in my image but trust me imitate him not so much me, I can take care of myself.
So, the org. imitated Jehovah so much they forgot to be Christ'ians instead of Jehovah'ians, he performed the resurrection he was not the resurrection. Jehovah wants us to be thankful to him for providing the son but to exceptionally to his son Jesus for going all the way.
I think the org is slooooowly trying to be more like Jesus because Jehovah don't take no mess.
Just a thought, what do you think?
today i read some postings about the changes in jw land, moving to a evangelical organization, and i have to say that jw.org is more and more recognizable in the genisis video clip jesus he knows me.. back then way overdone, now much like jw.org.
Hi All,
I am in the hall and what I can say is that Jesus is subliminal being added to our literature. Because they can no longer deny that Jesus is the good news. Even Jehovah said believe in my son. That is in black and white. They even once said, "What would Jesus do"? I think they are starting to recognize they are not very Christ like because so busy trying to make Jehovah's name known, which he said he would do that, just preach and imitate my son, that is what the ministry should be about.
Again, I say it's all subliminal. I've been seeing the difference now, before you could not clap for a reinstated person, now you can. Where did they read in the Bible about that. Guess what the change was in the public edition of the WT. At one time they did not pray for others that were not witnesses or students, now we can. Now they have scriptures to back these up, but what scriptures did they use in the first place to back up, we can't.
Anyway, they are slowly turning the chariot in the direction of Jesus. I mean very slowly. One could miss it. I work in the corporate world so it's the same as the Jw org. Shady.
They are so hung up on the name of Jehovah, they lost the message of Jesus, he died for our sins and was raised from the dead. Now I don't know about any of you, but wouldn't it be nice if we were raised from the dead and lived happily ever after. Ummm?
this is my first post and i'm feeling like i'm doing something bad big time!
i know on my mind it isn't, but the feelings are less manageable.. well, since i'm still a jw it's better not to give too much info, but i'm from brazil.. i've grown-up in the religion and practicly all my family, my closest friends and my girlfriend are loyal jws.
i used to be a regular pioneer but i still have a service privilege on my congregation.. i've had questions about the teachings of the wt since i was 10, but naturally i always pushed it away as it were "questioning the holy organization".. i started a friendship with some people in a course i took and we talked about a lot of subjects.
Hi RF,
Welcome, you have come to the right place. I like you are not ready to leave because I do believe in God and his son Christ Jesus. This is where until that day may or may not come if you think you are spiritually weak when you don't agree with them. You will come on this site state your feelings and concerns and find out you are not spiritually weak, it's their interpretation that is weak and holes can be poked in it if they could take it.
You are responsible for your own relationship with God, not the orgs. If you notice they pushing personal relationship with Jehovah and more personal study and meditation. This is for you. I'm in as well so I see and feel what you do. I have conditional friends in the hall and unconditional friends that are not in the hall. Most of the friends like me so if I left, I think they would miss me after awhile. Then would call me one by one because I'm pleasant to talk to.
As I say keep what you need and toss out what you don't. If you or I wish to leave, nothing or nobody can say yea or nay.
illustration of the rich man and the poor man lazarus indirectly hints that the materially rich would go to hell and the poor ones to heaven.
if one reads between the lines, one can discern that this illustration is a later adoption intended to exploit the rich using the poor as a means.. i have friends who are extremely rich (net-worth in billions) and also who are materially very poor, and have found both are living in hell because of their attitude.
the excess the rich have prevents them from enjoying it (and even the affluent find a huge gap between income and desires, hence find themselves often in conflict and competition) and whereas the deprived compare themselves with the haves which prevents them also from enjoying their lives.. jesus would not provide an illustration that undermines his own most favored statement: “happy are those poor in spirit because kingdom of heavens belongs to them” (mathew 5:3) and his own explanation that heaven is the condition of one’s heart (luke 17:21) obviously he had in mind those who do not have the baggage of attachment and sense of possession, those few people of simplicity that belong to both the categories—the rich and the poor. simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, a stage where every possession serves a purpose living a life that is deliberate and intentional (not one that someone else has scripted for them) and wanting to feel more complete (not more objects of the world), at ease.
Hi All,
The Bible is life lessons. Rich people are not always happy, they have the comforts of life but no place to rest their heart. They are never sure if they are truly liked or is it their money. Nothing wrong with being rich but like anything it has its down side.
Jesus said the poor will always be with you. I think that is to keep humans charitable, otherwise and let's be honest if we never saw how others live we would never be concerned. There are countries that has always been poor and as much help they get from folks who feel they should help, they are still poor. If countries like Africa ever became prosperous and everyone had water and healthcare, where and what would us humans do to look benevolent?
The poor shows us how much some of us take for granted. I work with rich folks too, they make the money and spend half of it in the therapist office telling the doctor they thought money was the answer and why are they not happy.
On the other hand witness play the poor card because it makes them look more pious.
As many have said Jesus spoke in parables because his crowd was not that intelligent because you know the Pharisees made sure of that. So Jesus spoke in a way the common folk would get the message. When you tell people to change and be nice and treat each other nice, the only way you can explain that is put the shoe on the other foot. If you can help someone do it, because wouldn't you appreciate if someone helped you, if you needed. I love the parable of the man that owed but his master forgave him his debt, but that same man that was forgiven did not himself forgive. The story is plain and simple. Jesus was saying don't do to people that you don't want done to you. He always applied it to the person to stir their conscience.
We can pick the Bible apart point out contradictions but really people none of that matters, the Bible says love God with all your heart and love your neighbors as yourself. Some folks don't believe in God and that's your choice but to not take heed of the second part, just means there is no love in you and that could be that one may not love themselves, so how could you love others. It's nothing wrong with loving yourself but not to the point of conceit. Some people love themselves so much they don't have any room for anyone else.
Wonder if there are any people who are rich and well adjusted? If not give me their money. I would hope that I would do the right thing and not let it go to my head.
Money just provides the comforts of life but does not promise happiness only if you don't make a lot but are able to survive and keep food in your tummy and a roof over their heads that can make one happy.... not to sleep outdoors.
The rich like to give to different institutions but they won't give it all, why? Because it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Some are passionate about their cause but won't give up living in luxury.
due to family reasons gorby was present today.. the watchtower study was about refugee's.. how to treat refugee's, jw and non believers, and help them spiritual, not financial.
nothing new.. what i mentioned is the juridical message underneath the whole story.
don't talk politics, listen to government regulations etc.. most bizar is that a whole congregation that normaly avoid giving any aid to people in need, this morning gave the best practice in word about what to do with refugee's.. if the subject was not that serious, this hypocracy could be funny.
To put it plainly, JW's are selfish. Oh, and cheap. Common denominator. Not all but majority and if you are a charitable person they will try to use you until you become selfish and cheap like them, then they can fix you to be a charitable person, again, but only to them.
Why do they write articles on something that they should know already. With all the articles we get about how to treat people, nobody seems to get it so we need constant reminders of the golden rule, uh?
Watch'em, they are trying to fool folks to thinking they are not inbred. But if they don't change their toon, they will fizzle out. They are looking to bring in young and new, young folks, they are going to have to change their tune. Kids used to be seen and not heard, now they are in our faces because we have become jaded and they say to us....it ain't fair and ain't right. So the org better get a little mainstream to attract, because only old and bitter and judgmental folks will be attracted to the witnesses.
Just like they don't want to vote but know all about the government programs, pantries, vouchers, etc. The regular working person barely knows where to pay their rent.
i think the problems the us and russia face are mainly ideological.
the cold war these two countries have been in needs to be stopped and common sense needs to be applied i hope trump can push thing in the right direction and that he has good advisors.
i'm all for these two major world military powers to put away their differences and find way to work together on common problems they face.. they need to cooperate with each other even in their cyber warfare.
It's all poli'tricks. Politics not a good word, if used in a work environment, office politics, play the game to get what you want. Politics aka: get them before they get you.
Since I was a child Russia has always been the big bad wolf ready to destroy. Every politician has been trying to have a relationship with Russia because the US knows they ain't no joke. But I work in corporate America, don't believe folks when they say they don't like this one or that one. Most of the time their so called enemies, they are dining with them or yachting or playing golf (which is how all major world, politics and business decisions are made right on the golf course) with them, so we can't always believe what we are told.
So now Trump and Putin are talking, ain't that what we want. Ah, I know it's what we want but not how we want it done.
Anyway, Trump wants a wall built for Mexico and the other wall is down, so is Mexico our new big bad wolf? Well at least the kids won't have to hide under the desk like we were told way back when.
Trump is our fireside president, just like FDR. I just like watching him talk, he real. He is full of himself but that's confidence. Like it or not.
Trump is in. All the reporting and exposing and criticism. He is the president like it or not. Who elected him??????
i am interested in getting people's thoughts on this.
on average 40 thousand people leave the organisation yearly for one reason or another.
the experiences all over the media are proof of this.
Mind their business. And preach the word. And when the Holy Spirit tells them what the scriptures really say....listen and stop trying to sound smarter than other religions and tell the friends the real truth. Not mans truth.
Stop controlling and preach the word and leave the end to the one who knows. (Again if this is all true).
i have not been to a meeting for about 2 years now.
i do not intend to go back but one thing has me baffled.
why do ones that have faded and been out for years return?
Because it's the familiar. Most people want to belong and there is a certain type of personality that draws them to the Jw's. somehow many of the friends never fit in or wanted fit in, so here comes this knock at the door and one is embraced. That's the attraction right there.
I read on different sites of ones who have left, but not really. Some even have their chance to tell their story but won't for some reason. Once a comment was said that Jw's can't expect outsiders to expose the org. but those who are in and those who left.
Some stay away so they can do what they didn't do while they were in then got their full and came right back. That's why you see some are really hard on the Jw's but some, not so much.
Someone asked about what could change for more folks to come in, I say if the org. would just mind their business and teach the Bible without any spin to it, which the Bible is just asking us to get along and stop dominating one another and take care of one another because we are all in this mess together.
Nothing wrong with some of the witness stuff stays in you, especially the good stuff on not being judgmental and only judge people for yourself not by what other people say. If they really imitated Jesus they would be a force to reckon with, the true essence of Christianity is when Jesus washed the feet of his betrayer Judas. Now that's heavy, how many of us would be at a function and be serving and sister or brother so and so come on line and you got to serve them, and we are not too fond of them. what you gonna do? What would Jesus do? Of course that is extreme but you have to admit we humans can be extreme at times, true? So if one still has a little JW left in them, don't keep the bad stuff that you know are not the right way to treat one another, religion should not have to teach you that.
i said god is not giving them much of a chance to hear his message, i think it's one to 3 million ratio.
i said if wt paid prime internet space they could beam their propaganda to everyone instantly, then you could show the world mr lett live , and explain how he is to rule the world from heaven.
then i asked that god seems to like the anglo nations , i should of asked how many chinese and indian are on the gb..
I asked that question when I first learned of the anointed... all men and of one persuasion, same here as on earth. The 1%'ers still running things, so why die? Most people see in their own color. Whoever is running things gets to choose the color that represents all.
Soon there will be an Asian GB, once they get audited, they will have to diversify, just like the rest of the world. There is no one color or voice on this planet anymore.
Lets get this straight.... The USA had a black president and the entire world watched and pulled for Pres. O'Bama... the entire world was watching. That's monumental. So the color of the GB's don't reflect today's society.
They wont pass the equal opportunity law, oh maybe they will they squeaked by by adding some chicks, will they too not be defiled by women?
Sam Heard is at least a start. Wonder what Sammy thinks at night? Am I really anointed or was I needed to fill the law, oh well, I got privileges, and I won't have to be married to this woman in my bed. Ahhh, who cares?
Jws so inbred!!!