Hi OneEyed Joe,
Great comment...would you be able to let us know what WT has the information you posted.
I have a bunch of notes...for my own sanity....if you care to share the WT article..
I thank you,
yet another sickening reminder for jw's to use emotional blackmail!.
wednesday, june 22. stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral.—1 cor.
5:11.. a heartrending experience for aaron’s family is recorded at leviticus 10:1-11. they must have been devastated when fire from heaven consumed aaron’s sons nadab and abihu at the tabernacle.
Hi OneEyed Joe,
Great comment...would you be able to let us know what WT has the information you posted.
I have a bunch of notes...for my own sanity....if you care to share the WT article..
I thank you,
i have been reading rodney stark's new book triumph of faith, where he makes his argument afresh that religion is alive and well.
in fact he says it's doing better than ever, and we are in the middle of a revival of faith.
above is a particular quote he likes to use when refusing secularisation.
Hi All,
I find if there was no God, man would have to believe in something....example: Tooth Fairy, Fairy God Mother, Santa Claus, Leprechauns, & the like...None of these things can anyone see.
I think there is something in us that needs to have something to believe in....it's in our Nature.
Religion, I think the purpose of it has gone way beyond what the purpose was to be....I think, what the original purpose was supposed to be was to watch out for your fellow man, rich or poor, if you have it share it. If you see someone in need, help them, care for the sick or elderly....give up your seat on the bus/train, give someone your umbrella if it's raining...if you see someone at the store, & they are short a few pennies or dollars, help them, help someone across the street & so on....Treat folks the way you want to be treated...
But guess What ???? That's too simple...folks much rather say the Lord's prayer backwards, standing on one foot, yep, that's easier....or tell you what to do, but won't do it themselves...
i've been studying the bible anew and have just realised that the writer of daniel gets the kings of babylon completely wrong and confused.
he says that nebuchadnezzar was succeeded by his son belshazzar .
then along comes good old cyrus the great who liberates the jews.. yet this is wrong!
@ David Jay,
Love your break down of the Book of Daniel...so, you are Jewish ? So, can I ask you, since the WT, say it was 607BC, what do you say ? Since they took it from the book of Daniel.
What say ye ?
i was raised in the cult, a 'golden boy' in jw about 15 years ago.
regular pioneer, went to pioneer school and then mts.
my dad is a gilead graduate and is still a serving elder.
HI All,
I'm wondering is there some place that can be contacted in Jerusalem to see if they have any information on their destruction ?
I'm also wondering if some JW's went to Jerusalem & found out it wasn't 607 BC. Who better would have records of their history but Jerusalem it's self.
I've heard many have done research of the fall of Jerusalem & found out it wasn't 607,,,& that caused many of them to leave the org. I know of one that did. They want nothing to do with the org. As a matter of fact I know of another who left the org. because of their research...
So, if there was proof from Jerusalem, wonder would the org. accept it. I'm going to say something stupid...They would look at it the proof from Jerusalem & say something like....they don't know their own history, that's how arrogant they are...
I don't have the $$$, but I would love to go myself to find out when Jerusalem ...DID FALL.
i was raised in the cult, a 'golden boy' in jw about 15 years ago.
regular pioneer, went to pioneer school and then mts.
my dad is a gilead graduate and is still a serving elder.
Hi 2 True,
I'm a newbie....but know ttatt...
It was a very difficult decision for me and I remember discovering one evening that ancient Jerusalem had not been destroyed in 607 BCE. My world came tumbling down around me as this one 'prophecy' was pivotal to pretty much every other doctrine. I'm a baby boomer....My Mom still has my old encyclopedia set. I looked up when Jerusalem was destroyed, & it said...586 or 587. I forget. Anyway, I was just wondering where you found your information ? Why is it that most books do not say 607 ? Has any one ever checked with Jerusalem themselves ? Is there any place a person can contact in Jerusalem to find out ? I know they keep records.
Just curious....
once again the society is on a push to scare witnesses away from doing any research, or "stumbling" upon any "apostate" material (from workmates, neighbors, or online).
however, the most enlightening, mind blowing and eye opening things are found simple by reading the early publications themselves!.
read how ct russel, (the supposed channel god was using) had the most far fetched and laughable ideas, such as obtaining pivotal dates by measuring the pyramids of egypt!...
When I came into the org. I never thought it was God's only mouthpiece. What I was thinking is how do these folks believe that this is God's mouthpiece.
I'm no scholar & maybe there is a God & maybe not...but when you close your eyes, wouldn't you like to believe you did the right things, you led a good life & treated people well.
No matter what, they bible is about how we treat our fellow man...and most of us were taught that at home or we should have.
Don't be angry with God, be angry with MAN...
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
Hi Believer,
I'm not an xJW as of yet. I'm so happy to see you on this forum. You mirror my thoughts. I still believe in God/Jesus. I know ttatt. How I manage to keep my faith is I see all that God had created, and how he has been in my life all along even if I didn't know it...I'm a newbie...The TRUTH IS MAN MADE like all forms of worship.
I agree with you. Most folks on here are so angry at the org., that they are angry at God. Let's be real. or better yet, let me say this. Don't know who on here is black, white, or any other color. But if you do your research, Slavery was upheld by the masters using the bible to keep slaves under their master...at the time blacks couldn't read so what did they know. So what am I saying...The bible in the wrong hands can be dangerous. When leave our relationship to God with people/man, well, all you going to get is man's interpretation. Are most people here angry with the org./God or themselves for letting someone take care of how they should worship. How many on here thought they belonged to God's org. & really was that the bait that made them stay in, did they feel above others that were not witnesses, did they shun folks, did they think too much of themselves and now they have discovered that the org., wasn't telling them the truth.
When I started studying, I would read the bible then listen to them...saw many things did not line up with the bible. For instance Michael being Jesus, where in Hebrews it's says, "To what angel did God say you are my son" I think that's how it reads....as I continued to study I saw many things they were wrong about, but I pressed on. Man can even direct his own step. No matter where you go to worship, it won't be the truth...The Truth is in the Bible, whether you like it or not. Most folks don't like it because they see themselves & don't want to admit it.
To all that read this forum...DON'T PUT YOUR FAITH IN MAN. He'll lead you astray every single time.
I choose to believe, I'm not saying my faith won't be tested & won't get weak from time to time, but my belief in God is 4ever.
Folks that believe in evolution, let's, let them have it...but just think, how did evolution play a part in our feelings our emotions...nope can't get emotions from a big bang...ok let's say we come from monkeys...so why haven't we met anyone who just became a human (someone walking around naked & saying...Hey, I just evolved from being a Monkey, what's this human thing about (LOL....why are monkey's still monkey's...
Folks have free will to believe what they want...I choose to believe in God/Jesus no matter what the org. says, changes, etc. They are only men...
I think many on this site are bitter...& maybe they have a right to be bitter...some folks here have had some bad things done to them thru the org., but let's be honest is was man, not God...it was man using the bible to do what they want. Not what God said.
I think many who were in the org. let someone else do the thinking for them. It's an easy way to worship, let them spoon feed you & you just swallow. It's just like life, no one can live it for you.
I love reading the bible and learning of others faith in time of trouble and they have life lessons.
Like you I don't have blind faith...I can read & when the org. says something that doesn't line up with the bible...I say...they will have to answer for that when they are judged. I know what God has said & I'm sticking to it...
I'm not sure how long I will remain in the org. I'm ok, because I know it's not God's org. As I've said all over this forum, I take what I need & spit out the rest.
We can't be so hard on those who don't believe in God anymore because of the org. One day we hope & pray that they'll come back to God & it doesn't have to be in the org.
Believer I have so much to say...this is the first time I've found someone on this site that still believes and not bitter with God, even though you aren't in the org. any more. You have put a smile on my face...
once again the society is on a push to scare witnesses away from doing any research, or "stumbling" upon any "apostate" material (from workmates, neighbors, or online).
however, the most enlightening, mind blowing and eye opening things are found simple by reading the early publications themselves!.
read how ct russel, (the supposed channel god was using) had the most far fetched and laughable ideas, such as obtaining pivotal dates by measuring the pyramids of egypt!...
Hi All,
I'm a witness. I'm a newbie....but know TTATT. I talk to a long time witness daily...we talk about all the changes in the org. She says there have been so many changes but....OK, EVERYONE, HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS..She says at least the org. is humble enough to admit they have a new understanding, & admit they were wrong, other places of worship wouldn't do that....So there you got it folks...that is what most witnesses think...or should I say the majority. They commend the org. for the "NEW LIGHT". What I really want to say is, other religions don't do it because they don't change their doctrine, like JW's do...if it's a lie, they stick with it...if you disagree, keep it to yourself. Or change churches. You can also voice it to your pastor, he or she may say we can't know everything or something like that. I have heard many preachers say, he you don't believe me just go to your bible & check me.
I'm not saying older publications wouldn't open their eyes, but many were alive when some of the stuff was written. Many were around in 1975...I remember one brother said from the platform that it was supposed to be the end in 1975 & he is still here.
For JW's this is the last gas station before the desert....I think PRIDE is what keeps most in. They can't admit this may not be God's org. & that some of their doctrine, you can poke holes in it. Arrogance is another problem. Even though the org. admits they are wrong, but the individual can't.
I know this is not God's only channel...it's just one of them...I wouldn't be so arrogant, that God looked down & looked at Penn. & said...yep, I choose them. NO..Remember Jehovah is not partial.
I don't care if this not God's org. I am developing my own relationship w/Jehovah & Jesus...
This journey is ours...the org. or any place of worship can only give you pieces, you have to take those pieces to God...& this is where YOU form your only relationship.
I see many here are mad at God, because of the org. Remember it wasn't God that did anything to you, it was a human(s) that spoke for God...Many think God is in our image but it's the other way around...When they say God said this or that...it was actually them.
What I have learned Man will let you down every time...
I think many may know the ttatt, that is why there are so many depressed sick witnesses...I've said it all over this forum...they are not depressed but suppressed. Your body will turn on you if you suppress your thoughts...
Again, I know ttatt. What I find that works is when they say the org. said this or that before but now it's a new light...Then I ask, where did they get the original old light from, was it bible based ? They stutter then say, they don't remember...then I'll say...don't worry I'll find it....crickets (lol)...why crickets, because they know it's not in the bible..
In my comments, I plant little tiny seeds...& when I say them, I hear a low ummm...then at the end of the meeting...they say, Hey sis, I never really thought of it that way...In my head secretly... I say...that's your problem, you checked your brain at the door. You should have left your troubles at the door & brought your brain with you.
it is strange to read the last week watchtower that encouraging child/teenagers' baptism.
even jesus was baptised as his 30. jws encouraging marriages at an older age.
but why they are encouraging children to get baptised.
HI All,
I remember when I first came into the JW world, they would talk about other religions that baptized their babies/& young children...saying things like, what does a baby know about God, they can't make a decision about their relationship with God/Jesus. They don't have any idea of the Ransom...Jesus got baptized at 33 yrs. old blah blah blah...we (JW's) don't do that, we make sure our children are old enough to make their own choices..NOT...Child Baptism...WHY? Because the end is near...& doesn't the bible say, if one isn't baptized, then they won't be resurrected...or some craziness....So the JW's have once again back peddled. All this talk about...we are living in the last days...so parents are panicking & getting their little children baptized. Just in case.
But hold on you'all...Wait a while when this end of days kind of dies down...then they'll write an article in the Study WT, saying....Baptism....& the article will point out that we should have more faith & a more of a waiting attitude on Jehovah,,,& should not lose faith & have our children baptized early like in Christiandom. Never not once would the org. think it's their fault by telling every one...it's the end, it's the end. Parents are running scared & lying & saying...Lil Johnny is ready, he told me, he was ready to make the Truth their own...but the real truth is that their parents #1 forced them # 2, want to stand out.
The child baptism's will continue....& no one will say one thing...oh they will think it but not say it...
It's about the #'s....so they can say, we have way over 8 million members, but won't say the majority are under 12.
One day your Elder/CO will be 20 yrs. old, telling old folks what to do.
I know many of us are still in the org. for one reason or another....I think the best thing to do...is listen, take in what you need & spit the rest out...if you disagree....Just shut up...keep it to yourself.
The org. is shooting themselves in the foot daily...Most folks will wake up yet, they will still stay.
one sentence answers only.. here's mine:.
jws exist because people want an escape from the modern world and are willing to give up intellectual freedom to get it..
JW's exist because it makes some feel important. In their life in the world, they feel like they aren't important. Being a witness makes some feel that they have power. That's why they have titles: CO's, MS's, Elders, Pioneers, Full time pioneers...etc...take those titles away...what are they....just a baptized publisher or unbaptized publisher. Take away the titles, they are just joe blow....Sorry, more than one sentence..