@Sour Grapes or anyone else,
I've heard so many conflicting stories...did or didn't the org. promote 1975, was it written, was it a rumor. If many believe 1975 was the year, who told them...did they pull out of the sky? Was it the org. that told the brothers and sisters & because they believe it...the org. has egg on their face so, they blame the bros. & sis ?
I know someone who was around & they were an elder...& he says, yes, the Society said it...he even sent me the articles that stated it. Has anyone ever sent an old copy of their lit. where they stated the end in 1975...
I heard the society squash some rumors that weren't true....so if this was a rumor at the time...why didn't they squash it then....they had plenty of opportunities. They could have had an assembly to put the rumor to rest. Some of us on here remember when they had that special program, where we told...NO TIGHT PANTS...They let the friends just soak it up because it boosted the #'s...They are doing it today...using the events of the day...
The world believes what it sees....remember Exorcist, folks lined up to go to church, remember Jaws, folks scared to go in the water....Psycho, folks scared to take a shower....folks believe what they see...
Does anyone have copies of 1975 Stay Alive to return to the society to see what THEY SAID...I don't know how this could be done, but if someone could download some of the literature & place it on Google...so when someone Googles JW's 1975...folks would see that it wasn't a lie.....They would have a hard time they didn't.