Hi All,
I was at the meeting...& yes, they did the same thing...also, not too many comments regarding the book study...Folks are waking up...they rushed through it. This book is about turning our love & attention to the org. But again, I see the lights going off in their heads....
Does this scripture come to mind: Eph. 4:14:So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching+ by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes...
Well it comes to my mind...what I'm wondering is if they are not inspired....does that mean that they are not guided by the holy spirit ? But by what & whom?
I think they are still talking to the not so smart people of years ago....Not today....
In the video, they are asking for engineers, & other type of professionals...well, how can they, they condemn higher education....so where are they going to get these folks from....but even if you don't have any skills...they want you to volunteer to serve food...I heard a rumor that when it came to building, they had to hire outside contractors...anyone hear that ?
Love this....& so true...So really prophesy can only interpreted by what has happened? Sort of defeats the purpose of prophesy it seems to me...So true...so what they are really saying is that they shouldn't be predicting nothing until it happens...
The org. is now all about smoke & mirrors...yes the chariot is moving & the friends are on it, moving away from them...fast..