Hi All,
Meant to say the GT isn't here yet...
it occurred to me the other day...the society is loading us up on all types of ways to reach others....jw.org, all types of literature, all types of different ideas, maybe you could use the tools jehovah gave us this way or perhaps you can use it that way, maybe you can volunteer, maybe you can go where the need is greater, maybe you can give more $$$, maybe you can give more time, maybe you can look at how you can be in the ministry more, maybe you can meditate more, maybe you can do this or that for your family study, maybe you can talk to a seasoned witness & find out how they.....& i know there are tons of other things maybe we can do....or yes, forgot this one, maybe you can quit your job....then maybe you can get some rest, because you can't serve jehovah when you are tired.
how can you get more rest if, you don't have no money to live indoors...anyway, with all these maybe's we can do..... it came to my mind that the gb isn't here as of yet & it seems the org.
is pressing the friends for bible studies...they are saying....we are giving you all these tools & so why are you not getting bible studies or return visits...it's almost as if they are brow-beating us...do more because the society has given you more...it's not us, folks just ain't listening to us at the door any more....they are not even opening up the door.
Hi All,
Meant to say the GT isn't here yet...
it occurred to me the other day...the society is loading us up on all types of ways to reach others....jw.org, all types of literature, all types of different ideas, maybe you could use the tools jehovah gave us this way or perhaps you can use it that way, maybe you can volunteer, maybe you can go where the need is greater, maybe you can give more $$$, maybe you can give more time, maybe you can look at how you can be in the ministry more, maybe you can meditate more, maybe you can do this or that for your family study, maybe you can talk to a seasoned witness & find out how they.....& i know there are tons of other things maybe we can do....or yes, forgot this one, maybe you can quit your job....then maybe you can get some rest, because you can't serve jehovah when you are tired.
how can you get more rest if, you don't have no money to live indoors...anyway, with all these maybe's we can do..... it came to my mind that the gb isn't here as of yet & it seems the org.
is pressing the friends for bible studies...they are saying....we are giving you all these tools & so why are you not getting bible studies or return visits...it's almost as if they are brow-beating us...do more because the society has given you more...it's not us, folks just ain't listening to us at the door any more....they are not even opening up the door.
Hi All,
It occurred to me the other day...the society is loading us up on all types of ways to reach others....JW.org, all types of literature, all types of different ideas, maybe you could use the tools Jehovah gave us this way or perhaps you can use it that way, maybe you can volunteer, maybe you can go where the need is greater, maybe you can give more $$$, maybe you can give more time, maybe you can look at how you can be in the ministry more, maybe you can meditate more, maybe you can do this or that for your family study, maybe you can talk to a seasoned witness & find out how they.....& I know there are tons of other things maybe we can do....or yes, forgot this one, maybe you can quit your job....then maybe you can get some rest, because you can't serve Jehovah when you are tired. How can you get more rest if, you don't have no money to live indoors...anyway, with all these maybe's we can do....
It came to my mind that THE GB isn't here as of yet & it seems the org. is pressing the friends for bible studies...they are saying....we are giving you all these tools & so why are you not getting bible studies or return visits...it's almost as if they are brow-beating us...do more because the society has given you more...it's not us, folks just ain't listening to us at the door any more....they are not even opening up the door. Some do, just to be polite, they let us talk, then we go back, & they aren't home or they are home but not interested, but don't want to be rude so they just don't open the door. It seems since the GB hasn't happened yet, so they society is pushing more for more #'s.
So again, I was thinking...they are not actually beating us physically, but mentally to think, something is wrong with us & we are not presenting the message properly....The brothers go on the stage with examples of how you could start a study, & they are effective...yes, on the stage. They are no more effective then the average friend.
How I see it, if folks aren't hungry or thirsty, you can't sell them food or water....folks only buy what they need, if they think they don't need it...they won't buy nor listen to it...
What do you say ?
i heard my hard out jw sister say that for the 1st time in many years and i'm hearing more and more jw's saying that.
years ago when i was in they talked about the new system coming any minute..
Hi All,
These 2 comments are right on target...Witnesses are about showing what they do. They want to appear righteous but inside, not a righteous bone in their body. When no one is around, do they pray ? UMMM...Ever notice they have to share they were out in service for such & such amount of time...how many return visits they have. If they just get home late from service, they have to call or text you to let you know they just got home..Most of witnesses, not all, suffer from Not getting enough attention or wanting more than they deserve. AKA: Needy...
So the 2 comments are so true...I'm a witness & I see it...It's like any organization....as long as you are seen, you don't have to really work, just make it look good. They cry broke but don't believe them...it's to look more holy.
I just ignore, as well. I think they partly do it as a show of righteousness, so I don't give them an audience.
Its a showy means of ones life , look how righteous I am publicly displaying my belief.
I think the friends are really starting to see it but don't want to let on...At our meeting, they were talking about the new facility in Warwick or is it Walkhill...but how well it's been built the sisters & brothers are really pitching in & how can you help, if you can't physically help...then send $$$$. One of the sisters & I (after the meeting) said, so why are we keeping a simple eye & they ain't....& she's a born in...I believe many are seeing the org. ask for money, update this & that...build, build, build...yet they say the end is near, if so why keep building ? Yep, the kool-aide is wearing off. But as we all know, can't say nothing..
I've said it all over this site...the only thing that keeps most is that it's God's organization...so they think. If you tell then it's not or they find out it's not...they would never be the same. That's the main reason that most if not the majority stay..I've heard them say, but this is God's organization, although he's using imperfect men. You see many witnesses have an "Who I think I am" attitude. It's in their genes, oh they play humble, but believe me, that's an act, I've seen the sweetest talking person, turn on a person like a rabid dog, in a blink of an eye. Most of them are just putting on....The scriptures say, put on the new personality, most of them just drape it on like a cap, then take it off, then to look religious, they put it on again...never to change who they are. Most of them remind me a female who is married because now they got a huuuusband...you poor single folks...because they carry the name of Jehovah, of which they named themselves, God didn't tell then nothing...all that to say....they are full of themselves & if they were not witnesses, they would be those same folks in the churches, looking for the best seats...
So, they may not know about THE ARC but the org. is shooting themselves in the foot regarding all this building. Friends are starting to see the obvious. Asking for $$$, building, etc. Yet, tell us, don't buy this or that, don't pursue higher education & on & on...In my congregation, most of the young ones go to college. Because on this side of the world, you need college to get a job at McDonalds...
The Arc may never have to come out...the building & $$$, just might wake up some...
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Hi David_Jay,
You mirror my thoughts..."The way Jews see it, living honestly is more righteous than believing in things with all your heart but living a lie. It's what you do that matters because the world is effected by your actions...What matters is how you live your life.
Yes, this is what I believe...I kind of fell into being a witness...they say don't stand by the hole to close or too long...you just may fall in...bingo...that's what happened to me...I know what I'm into...I'm not blinded, so that's what makes me feel some type of freedom. I've learned so much from you & you make me feel that in my heart I got it...not the way the witnesses have it but the way God would like me to be, not a bunch of rules and regulations...Just be nice to folks, help when and where you can. Try to be a good person, & every day try to wake up to be a better person than you were the day before.
I find most other folks from other religions are nice folks...witnesses are a special breed of people that is attracted to this religion, haven't put my finger on it yet. So far, most of them are sickly, whiners, don't want to work & very judgmental. Oh yes, inbred...this is just to name a few. I once listened to this TV pastor, he said...back when their was leprosy they put folks together because they all had the same disease...so he brought it up to date...he said..What man can't cure they colonize...that's how I feel about witnesses...too long to go into details...but I feel he is right...I know you know what I mean.
I don't think this is the right place for me....but in time ...we shall see...again, thanks for being on this forum, I think you are a breath of fresh air...
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Hi David_Jay,
I'm back....Even though I'm a witness, I agree with all that you wrote. As you said, JW's want to follow the bible but they should have done their research first..What I see is that they tailored the bible to fit them...just to be set-apart from other religions...I really love your break-down...I'll never be the same. The Society is about control. They want to control your life, if you allow them. Because they know best what God wants...
The Jews challenged God, & guess what? He let them. I can't remember the bible character, but God was going to get rid of all the Jews but Moses or was it Abraham, said, don't do that, why free them then kill them. Now JW's always say God never changes his mind, but in this case he did...come to think of it many times he changed his mind...JW's say God didn't change his mind but....I forget what they say, but hog wash...We are made in his image, so we change our mind & so does God.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the future, this JW thing is chocking me...The child abuse thing & other things. It's overwhelming..but I never thought it was God's org. I think I could be & do some much in God's service but being a witness is stifling. I want to walk away but made some good friends, but I know they won't be my friend if I leave...that's ok....just got to get up enough nerve, not to fear man....but I don't want to be DF'd either....I think I'm speaking for many on this site...You are an eye opener...
Keep up the good work, hope this is not the last of you.
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Hi David_Jay,
That was a lot but very informative...I want to thank you so very much for taking the time to explain...
I'll be back to talk to you in a while...more stuff to think about...
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Hi David_Jay,
Wow, what a lot of information. So, after reading all your info. how is one supposed to walk this life out...What does God require of us? Well, for one, I think he wants us to care for one another instead of trying to dominate one another...that's what I get....
Is there going to be a resurrection, a new earth a new heaven ?
What say ye?
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Thanks so much for the site...I'll will check into it...You have been so helpful. I don't think anything would wake up a witness. I'm a witness....but I'm fully aware....I've said it on this site many times...many are not witnesses because of the doctrine, they are witnesses because they believe it is really directed by God...& because in their minds, it's the truth..Let me share something that I read about the Truth...
The truth is a person, not teachings or doctrines. John 14:6: I am the way and the truth & the life. No one comes to the father except through me. or John 1:9-10....
I've always thought to myself...why are people looking outside themselves for the truth...the truth is in you...not in a building, or GB's.
What do you think....but I do thank you for is all your replies.
i was just doing my midweek studying...reading god's kingdom rules book...so far has anyone noticed many of the stories mention australia.
page 73 a momentous convention...a convention was held in july of 1931 & it was transmitted via more than 450 radio stations in australia, etc....they seem to mention australia more & more in the wt, books, etc.
this is a set-up...keep on watch...this book is being studied at this time for a reason...how timely.
@Steve 2,
I got your point. You make good sense...I'll watch it from now on...but to be more real than right...doesn't the society speculate on some of their doctrine, that's why they say "The light is getting brighter" But again...I'll be more careful. Thanks for the reply.
i note your comments in the following threads regarding the jewish perspective on certain old testament (ot) events:.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5700922233585664/when-you-stop-think-about-why-would-gods-chosen-people-old-testament-need-army?page=1&size=10 ,.
Hi David Jay,
Thanks for your reply. I have an old set of encyclopedia's that I got when I was a child....a millions years ago....they say is was 587 or something like that but not 607...What I'm looking for is somewhere I can write to in Jerusalem/Israel, like a museum or a hall of records. Again, go to the source...I know it won't do any good because the org. is so arrogant they think they know more about Jewish history than the Jews themselves...
They are so prideful about this date, but as we know...pride comes before the fall.
I'm short of going to Jerusalem myself...come back & then share...then dare them to dispute...
I'll keep researching....or do you know of any institutions on that side of the world I can contact ?