Hi All,
I've never looked at one of those videos. But I may not agree with their method, yet I'm not without understanding it. Many of them feel they were mislead. We must not follow man....man always has his own agenda. It takes time to see that if you live long enough...doesn't the bible say....Man cannot direct his own paths..Many witnesses in & out suffer from suppression. Even though they are in the truth so they think but not even allowed to question the answers...that leads to many other issues in mind and in body. If you need to be validated all the time....the org. is the best place to be....you will get patted on the back just reading a scripture...then at the end of the meeting, someone comes up to you & say, I enjoyed your reading of the scriptures...give me a break....I'm an adult..I can read...now I would understand if it was as young child just starting to read. This is an org. of needy people (not all) that need a lot of attention. They must announce how many hours they did, they did letter writing...telephone witnessing..& so on...all for their own validation and say see me Jehovah, see me...I'm preaching....again, many that come out are angry for many reasons and one of them is that they aren't important anymore...the org.makes one feel special, they feel they know the bible, they feel they can change folks & remember They are chosen.....not the jews....so being in an org. that puffs you up with pride (& many of them had pride issues anyway)...The org. makes one feel in this big world they are special. but what I find is that most of them don't have faith, yes they can preach & teach it but they don't have it for themselves...they have hope without faith, but they are too weak to deal with the real world.
So are apostates coming off crazy, yeah maybe so. But most of us know that witnesses feel that if you leave you'll go crazy & they are right...someone on this site said just because you are not a witness anymore you don't have to prove them right...still believe in God. Do something for someone else...soup kitchen, volunteer work, but remember witnesses don't do anything unless seen or counted....it would never occur to some x-witnesses to serve someone other than yourself....Most Christians miss the story of the Good Samaritan...who is your neighbor any and everybody, not only your brothers & sisters....JW's are inbred...
I'm one...but I stay with them then I move away....they are not happy people....trust me it's a put on...I'm happy & I'm trying not to let them take my joy...They would rub off on me not the opposite...People show their anger in different ways....those who show crazy on youTube are mad at the org & at themselves for doubting that feeling...it's called a gut feeling...& that's what the gut is for. Many read the bible & the lit. & saw it, but wanted to stay in a org. that's is supposedly chosen by Jehovah....that's why many stay, they think they are chosen & when something happens to THEM...
Well that's another story