@ Schnell,
Exactly.....one day that just hit me...all I could think of is that's nerve...
barcelona (spain), jan 8, 2017 at 1.30 pm.
two publishers of the tagalog group in barcelona (public meeting at 4.30 pm) do visit an evangelical church barcelona downtown to receive free food bags.... i can confirm that the queue was long.
the pastor in charge of this church has not allowed me to take picture of some older jw living barcelona downtown, but i was able to catch these young publishers.
@ Schnell,
Exactly.....one day that just hit me...all I could think of is that's nerve...
barcelona (spain), jan 8, 2017 at 1.30 pm.
two publishers of the tagalog group in barcelona (public meeting at 4.30 pm) do visit an evangelical church barcelona downtown to receive free food bags.... i can confirm that the queue was long.
the pastor in charge of this church has not allowed me to take picture of some older jw living barcelona downtown, but i was able to catch these young publishers.
Hi Schnell,
Thanks, I'm so long winded...but thanks for the encouragement...I like your posts as well. I just speak what I see. I'm educated but when I come on here...it's just the facts.
By me being new in the faith, if I let them they'll drain me dry emotionally and financially.
Schnell, this is something else that comes to my mind....how can immigrants come to the USA, and turn their nose up at this country, the very country that lets you in and gives you freedoms of speech, religion & so on. The reason they come here is for opportunity. Where they come from sometimes they don't even have water to drink. Yet, they come to America, become witnesses & thumb their nose at the very gov't that allowed them here...We say give us your tired and your poor, they come & THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO THIS RELIGION. UH? That's over my head....or should I say...NERVE...where you came from their gov't wouldn't even spit on them if they were on fire....that's been on my mind Come to America and diss half the pop...if anyone else reads this...thoughts?
barcelona (spain), jan 8, 2017 at 1.30 pm.
two publishers of the tagalog group in barcelona (public meeting at 4.30 pm) do visit an evangelical church barcelona downtown to receive free food bags.... i can confirm that the queue was long.
the pastor in charge of this church has not allowed me to take picture of some older jw living barcelona downtown, but i was able to catch these young publishers.
The JW's bite the hand that feeds them....they take advantage of Black Friday,Kawanza or any after the holiday sales. They live in starbucks so every time I go with them they get a discount or free cup or coffee, what about Godiva chocolates....I've been with a sister that will stand in line because she got a text from Godiva saying....stop by and get you FREE CHOCOLATE (mind you it's just one piece). Yet, will go to Lord & Taylors & or Bloomingdales, turn their nose up a K-Mart or Target (which we here in the US say Targ'ee: French you know, LOL)
I was talking to a sister and we were discussing Good Will/Salvation Army. The conversation started like this...I work at a place sometimes we have sample shoes but they were not pairs, so maybe size 7 but only the left foot and so on...Well, I'm thinking, what can we do, so I said lets put them outside and maybe someone can use them, not really thinking what could anyone do with one shoe....now in my mind, I'm thinking how charitable I am, so glad I thought of it...now I work with a sister...nice sister...really...easy going non-judgmental, yet at times she does drink the JW special kool-aide but I don't hold that against her....Well, here this sister comes and says, hey lets donate them to an organization where people may only have one foot, OMG, I never thought of that...& the sister didn't say send it to Bethel...I'm just saying..so that let me know...I ain't as good as I thought I was...anyway, the sister that I told about this situation says, well you got to be careful because these org. that are donated to, don't always do what they are supposed to. I said I know that..but if one person benefits from all the donations then that's a good thing...We have coats drives, yeah some of the folks that work for these orgs. take first pick but the majority of the donations make it to the various places...so for me just to throw it away because of what I think ....that's not right..so I said to her, so we should have just tossed the shoes in the street as garbage rather than help at least one person? Silence...now mind you, she gets disability, lives in a place for the elderly (brand new), goes to pantries..etc. I have to blame her attitude on ignorance...Some people don't believe in charity unless it's coming to them.
JW's are self serving...now here's something to think about, JW's are not all wrong for taking care of each other...just think (without pushing their doctrines) if all the churches/places of worship took care of each other.
In the words of MLK (Martin Luther King), I have a dream/hope that maybe one day, all the diplomats are thrown out of the UN & the clergy from all over come together and stop all this non-sense of who is right and who is wrong, just like Tazewell sat down & went through the bible just think if all denominations sat down at the table & ask God for Holy Spirit to help them bring mankind together...it's not about one doctrine it's about helping one another...the message is THAT WE ARE EACH OTHER BROTHER/SISTER. No matter kindness is universal.
I do write long post...I know, so forgive me...I'm an x-Flower child....so we always saw peace & happiness..
They don't want folks to go to college or have a job, but who are the ones helping the ones who have decided to full time preach. That's ok if you want to do that...but count the cost.
I have more to say but, I'll spare you folks...
wife and i have watched the whole series and just finished episode 7 last night.
personally, i am seeing a great deal more subtle and day to day similarities to watchtower than the obvious ones i already knew existed, ie shunning.
very eye opening and heartbreaking, even more so than going clear in my mind.
Hi Toesup,
Thanks for your reply. Ain't that the truth... that's the way most folks in or out of the truth, as long as it ain't them. When you are going thru something they'll give you a few scriptures, that is because they are so busy they can't handle your issue, But let it be one of them that has an issue and nobody listens or do what they do, give scriptures but then give a comment how we should take time to listen to one another. Most witness are self centered and require a lot of attention maybe because they never got it from home. Some are not strong enough to face life, let them wait on line too long...they huff and puff cause you know they are witnesses and should not wait so, they get upset & want the new system just because they had to wait on line.
I find some witness full of themselves just cause they know the scriptures....a child can memorize scriptures. Most witnesses don't even know what love is....never experienced it...because if they had they wouldn't have to learn it from the org...love is a feeling that cannot be taught...well in my opinion anyway. Even some that seem to be meek, or when they talk into the mic..they have these little voices like that makes them more holy. Don't sleep on the meek and shy ones, once they learn the truth and now a little popular depending on how many hours and how much you don't work so you can meet during the week when the rest of us slobs are working. Once these meek ones find out they are validated....watch out....as you say, they are snug.
I think one of the MO's of witnesses is to be accepted someplace....
I love my job and they treat me well, but it doesn't mean that I can't see the problems...sometimes humans can be so sad.... Our upbringing plays such an important part of us...many of the things the org. teaches, should have been taught from home, but I do know that's not always the case....the scriptures talk about the seed and the soil, some seed is good seed but planted in the wrong soil...
If they made a series of JW's & JW's watched & saw someone they knew telling the story they still would not see it. Only if their little toes were stepped on. It would be nice for a series to happen about the witnesses not to crumble them but for folks to make a choice to stay but not out of force. The Catholics were exposed and folks are still attending.
wife and i have watched the whole series and just finished episode 7 last night.
personally, i am seeing a great deal more subtle and day to day similarities to watchtower than the obvious ones i already knew existed, ie shunning.
very eye opening and heartbreaking, even more so than going clear in my mind.
Hi All,
I didn't see the series. I do know a Scientologist...They are much alike to JW's. But they don't like JW's. They say they seem to have no heart, when they come to the door and read a scripture they have no life it's like they are reciting..
I have been a witness for just a short while...my observation is that when a person is a witness and all is well,they have never been counseled or corrected, treated fairly, well liked and so on....but let them be treated unfairly or something or other burst their bubble about the org. only because now THEY HAVE BEEN OFFENDED. They have a very cavalier attitude when it happens to someone else in the congregation, they are quick to say, well they needed to be corrected, Satan was probably trying to get a hold of them or they were spiritually weak, many of us on here know what I mean. But when it happens to them the blinder finally come off. Why because it was ok when it was someone else now it's them...& not always but when that happens many end up on sites & say the org. is this and that. They shun, the doctrine, the hours, some of the brothers and sisters are unloving....now before they were offended or unjustly counseled this stuff was still going on but not to them.
What I've learned in this life is it's always the thief that screams the loudest. The thief can steal but when you take theirs, well that's a different story.
If JW's watch the series & all is well in the hall for them & their families. They are a part of a social group and they are in the in-crowd, no they won't see the similarities...because they are safe...but the ones who have had problems with a brother or sister & so on....when they see this series they would see the similarities. I've seen and heard this many times, if a brother gives you a direction, & you obey then you share with one of them, they'll say, well even though he is a brother but you don't have to follow. But if you say the same thing but say the brother told me to do this but I said I wasn't comfortable doing it, the friends would say, well he is a brother and you must follow them. Darn if you do and darn if you don't.
I'm finding many on the websites that are witnesses or x-witnesses they come on when they feel they have been treated wrongly, but if they weren't would they be on web-sites like these...I see many say, when they were in they didn't see it...but when mistreated oh well, now they can see clearly.
So JW's that are safe in their little paradise world will never see the similarities but when trouble comes then we will see them here. I'm happy for places like these web-sites and for people to be able to come to be healed but would they have come if all was still well in happy land...I'm here because I'm not on the fence, I would like to leave without being DF'd if possible. I see the truth for what it is. Many have buried their heads in the sand.
Someone said shunning of loved ones...true love does not shun. I know it's easier said then done but if your love ones only love you because you worship like them, walk and talk like them...are they truly love ones.....shun & love should not even be in the same sentence. It's a big world out there....this religion is good for folks who have OCD....everything is all neat and nice....home clean, bible clean and neat, all their publications neat, everything in it's place even God....I can live my life because everything is in order....
So all that to say, some will see it and some refuse to see it & some, one day when life in the org. is not so to them, they'll see it & we will see them on this site. But I'm glad they'll have this site or another one to come to when the bubble bust...because it would be unloving for me to say...or feel they should suffer. But when they were doing the shunning it was ok, but when it's comes back...we shall see them.
i'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
Hi Silent Lamb,
Wow, did you hit the nail on the head. Exactly, you have to show them from the scriptures.....that's the only way. I'm a witness and know ttatt....As you say, just chip away...I do it by our daily text, my comments all types of ways. It's also how you deliver it. Most brains of the JW's are like this road and they travel back and forth all day on this road never looking to the left or right....soon the brain is entrenched....it hurts when they have to look left or right...you know like when you have a pain and if you move it hurts..
I have a seeds I plant. Once two friends said we are not allowed to pray for those that are not JW's. So I found a scripture that said it's ok to pray for others, forgot the scripture...well don't you know at our mid week meeting that was brought out...the question was should we pray for others.....Yes, it was right there in black and white and they sited the same scripture I gave them...in my spirit I felt a little tingle...I made a point without making enemies. Use the scriptures....just like we are taught to use the scriptures in our door to door to change folks, the same can be said for the friends...those of you on this site that are not angry with Jehovah, maybe that's how God would prefer the WT to be changed not by anger wishing they would crumble but by peace and his word.
Soon those of us who are awake & yet still in....in Feb. 2017 WT, they claim they are not inspired nor infallible.....we can have some fun...maybe after the meeting or in field service or wherever if you get the chance you can say, wow, that was so (fill in your own words) of course they are infallible because they aren't perfect, but if they are not inspired how do they feed us....you can say it anyway you can without offending them....no doubt when most read that they will say the same thing in their head....not inspired....but we have the guts to say it but we must use a lot of grease when we do.
Many are in there for different reasons...I continue to drop seeds a little tiny bit of the time....just like Jesus said, there are more things to tell his apostles...but not right now....slow and steady....just think those of us who are still in or out what good we could do by just being kind & showing them little at time....we could make a difference a little at a time. Hey maybe we are the ones that Jehovah has taken out for his name....a community of those who know ttatt..yet still love God. We can show them the love of God by our actions and conduct..
Just wanted to say Silent lamb love your approach, be nice if it could happen.
i'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
hi I meant to say that most say if you leave Jehovah you'll go crazy, but that's not true..
i'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
Hi All,
I've never looked at one of those videos. But I may not agree with their method, yet I'm not without understanding it. Many of them feel they were mislead. We must not follow man....man always has his own agenda. It takes time to see that if you live long enough...doesn't the bible say....Man cannot direct his own paths..Many witnesses in & out suffer from suppression. Even though they are in the truth so they think but not even allowed to question the answers...that leads to many other issues in mind and in body. If you need to be validated all the time....the org. is the best place to be....you will get patted on the back just reading a scripture...then at the end of the meeting, someone comes up to you & say, I enjoyed your reading of the scriptures...give me a break....I'm an adult..I can read...now I would understand if it was as young child just starting to read. This is an org. of needy people (not all) that need a lot of attention. They must announce how many hours they did, they did letter writing...telephone witnessing..& so on...all for their own validation and say see me Jehovah, see me...I'm preaching....again, many that come out are angry for many reasons and one of them is that they aren't important anymore...the org.makes one feel special, they feel they know the bible, they feel they can change folks & remember They are chosen.....not the jews....so being in an org. that puffs you up with pride (& many of them had pride issues anyway)...The org. makes one feel in this big world they are special. but what I find is that most of them don't have faith, yes they can preach & teach it but they don't have it for themselves...they have hope without faith, but they are too weak to deal with the real world.
So are apostates coming off crazy, yeah maybe so. But most of us know that witnesses feel that if you leave you'll go crazy & they are right...someone on this site said just because you are not a witness anymore you don't have to prove them right...still believe in God. Do something for someone else...soup kitchen, volunteer work, but remember witnesses don't do anything unless seen or counted....it would never occur to some x-witnesses to serve someone other than yourself....Most Christians miss the story of the Good Samaritan...who is your neighbor any and everybody, not only your brothers & sisters....JW's are inbred...
I'm one...but I stay with them then I move away....they are not happy people....trust me it's a put on...I'm happy & I'm trying not to let them take my joy...They would rub off on me not the opposite...People show their anger in different ways....those who show crazy on youTube are mad at the org & at themselves for doubting that feeling...it's called a gut feeling...& that's what the gut is for. Many read the bible & the lit. & saw it, but wanted to stay in a org. that's is supposedly chosen by Jehovah....that's why many stay, they think they are chosen & when something happens to THEM...
Well that's another story
hi i am posting for the first time although i've been looking for a few years , i was born into a witness family left when i was 12 with my parents went back at 22 pioneered became ms started to have major doubts around 2002 when there was a lot of talk about blood fractions etc have been hit and miss since i'm extremely mentally confused as to wether or not this really is jehovah's earthly organisation , i find life hard facing up to mortality etc not having the new system hope , what nailed your decision to leave ?
how did you cope with world problems on news etc ?
how did you fill the void ?
Hi Midnight,
Welcome. I'm a still in witness...new I might add too. You will get a lot of good information from this forum & others as well that tell the truth about the truth.
I don't believe this is God's org. I don't believe God is partial in that way because humans have a problem with pride & boasting. So when I made that decision it wasn't God's org. I began to relax a bit. I feel many witnesses are witnesses for many reasons & one is being a part of God's org. is a badge of honor. The question if it wasn't would some of them still be there. When you were in what was your motivation, did you believe you were in God's org. or was it that you felt superior to others. I feel if you want to serve God, you do it because you LOVE him. Not because some human has said God chose us....& it's the truth...the truth is not a doctrine or an organization but the truth is in you Midnight....the bible is a mirror of who you really are, not who you are at the hall. The scriptures reveal the truth about you. Churches, synagogues & other places of worship only have pieces of the puzzle, you have to put it together yourself.
I'm trying to get to your core of who you really are....dig deep into yourself. Do you Love God? Do you think God is the God that the JW's portray, some type of God that we obey silently, like an Idol. God wants us to interact with him...we see that from the OT...The Jews spoke to God, even if they were wrong.
God loves us unconditionally, he doesn't care what denomination you are. When it's time for you to account for yourself..being a JW isn't a password. It's what type of person you were here on earth. So you say, if you leave how could you fill the gap....ever thought of giving back without counting time ? The world is full places where you CAN SERVE...To serve someone else & to give of yourself makes one come out of themselves. You could go to a hospital & volunteer...read to the elderly, hold a child that had an addictive parent, there is so much in a hospital & or nursing home you could do. Soup kitchen, helping homeless, helping those who have drug problems, again, so much to do...but Midnight, you will be doing this for God and mankind...& guess what? This is not about counting time. In this life, you will serve somebody.
My take on religion...when man tells you what God wants, it's usually what they want. The issue of your mortality, this is something no one knows .....can you live with that? Does the fact that we may not come back scare you, well Midnight, join the rest of the world...Death is a scary thing...we can't imagine that our magnificent self will never come back. Think about this nobody ever came back to tell us. That is one of the mysteries of life we all have to deal with. JW's just want to tie it all up in a bow & say, don't worry, you'll come back.
Midnight, you cannot exist in this world without strength. Being a witness makes you weak to deal with everyday life, they stick their heads in the sand & just wait, but when the tough times come they can't handle it so they say, they'll be glad when the new system comes. Midnight, witnesses will say that with the least inconvenience they experience...don't let them have to wait on line or the waitress took too long, or if they have to pay a bill. This life we live now takes Faith and each time we go through something it makes us stronger, one can't be stronger if anytime a little inconvenience arises, they whine & call for a new system. Do you want to be strong to make it until the new system if it in deed happen ?
You ask how to fill the void....again I say do something for others that you don't have to count. Many of witness still don't know that the ransom is a gift & you don't have to work for it. This may be hard for you, some witnesses have not forgiven themselves so they feel going out preaching they can work their guilt off. Again, I'm trying to appeal to your inner most self. Why were you a witness, how did you treat people who were not a witness, you see if you don't address these things, you won't be a witness anymore but you'll still have traits of being superior.
Don't be afraid of life...this is all we have for now...The bible is to help one through life & it shows how we are to treat one another. The org. wants folks to be morally clean, but what I find, that this makes one bitter. Have you noticed some of the witnesses are bitter ? Notice who witnesses are...do you want to be a judgmental person or a person like Jesus. He didn't belong to an org. he preached to everyone, he helped & healed everyone, he touched lepers, all this & he knew he was sent to die, did Jesus have an issue with mortality, how did Jesus cope with what was going on in his day. Did he join a group who only stuck with each other...Midnight, read the Greek scriptures & read them for what they are, leave the JW literature alone...The bible is really a simple book, but the hard part is to do it.
Yes, get help, but when you do take the help....in the end, the bible is what you follow, not man, isn't it in the bible that man cannot direct his own steps ?
I think I wrote too much, but I hope I gave you something to think about...SERVE SOMEONE, NOT YOURSELF.
the elders in this area are getting burned out.
i have overheard comments that demonstrate this, but in my dealings with them, i clearly see it.
they can't keep it straight.
HI All,
I started a topic a while back...are the FDS beating us...many replied that sure they are, when the #'s are down they put more pressure on everyone...
So the Elders are burnt out...couple of scriptures come to mind...one is...to those much is given ( or in their case reaching out for more), much is expected. The other scripture is about the FDS beating the slaves...& that's what the society is doing, beating the Elders...whip whip, do more, do more...There is a part of me that feels sorry for them...but on the other hand...they reached out for it...many of them maybe just wanted to be Joe blow in the congregation, but noooooooo.....they wanted to reach out for privileges....& did they get'em. Just like reaching out to be a pioneer....they reach out for it, then complain about they didn't make their hours this month..I really want to say to them, you did it to yourself...why? What was your motivation to reach out to pioneer, was it to hear your name announced, to be a part of the pioneer click where you are now in the IN-Crowd....As many of us know, some of the JW's get their cudo's at the hall, at their jobs, they are just a spoke in the wheel...& many being a spoke in the wheel is not enough for them...they must shine...wherever they are. Some of the Elders reached out because of their wives who wanted to be a part of the muckity mucks...
Yes, they are burnt out...sometimes, they assign talks to folks on the wrong days...they say they are going to give you a shepherd call, they can't keep up with the chariot of MAN...Not to mention, they know the insides of the Society, don't think many of them don't know about the ARC, they do, but just imagine being an elder & knowing all these things & getting up on the stage & act as if he's got it together....talk about pressure....
I'm glad to be a spoke in the wheel...at the job & at the hall...I try to go out in the ministry when possible....
One of the brothers asked me if I'd consider being a pioneer...I said no not now...because I'd much rather be a good private (publisher) than a bad General (pioneer)....then I quoted the scripture where it mentions, if you are faithful with a little, Luke 16:10:The person faithful in what is least (publisher hours) is faithful also in much (if I decide to pioneer), and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much. So if Jehovah sees fit for me to reach out....he'll place it on my heart...until then, I'll be faithful in what is least. Guess what? The elder, was silent...& that's why I said it...to keep him quiet....The best thing to do with witnesses is answer with a scripture...especially one that backs up your statement....I find when they want to paint you into a corner, answer them with a scripture that they can't deny...once we were out Public witnessing....we were standing in an area & another church was not to far from us....so one of the friends started to complain about them by saying, we have the truth & they are out there giving out tracts & such....they aren't preaching the truth....well, I couldn't resist, the other Christians were quietly doing their Christian thing like we do...So I went to the scriptures again and quoted another one....Luke 9:49-50:In response John said: “Instructor, we saw someone expelling demons by using your name, and we tried to prevent him, because he is not following with us.”+ 50 But Jesus said to him: “Do not try to prevent him, for whoever is not against you is for you.” Not a word was said from that point...I love using the scriptures to make a point when they are being high & mighty & judgmental.
Sorry for going off course...so yes, the Elders are burnt out & if the end don't come soon we won't need no GT, the Elders will just go up in smoke all by themselves...
But we must remember to not rejoice over someone else's come upp'ins...even IF WE THINK they deserve it...
Because at the end of the day, it could be one of us...