Hi All,
Didn't read everyone's comments...Slavery....ummm, where should I start....It's America's little dark secret. The US never thought slaves would be free, they wanted free labor. Black History is so deep, I'm black and there isn't a day, I don't find out something about blacks back in the day and how we got over...
America is always looking for free labor or cheap labor, everyone that comes to the US, starts off at the low part of the totem poll, give them a minute, they are living next door.
America was built on the backs of Blacks...they built the White House, & yes some blacks where allowed in the White House, but they were slaves...Then here comes Obama....a Black Man in the White House....how dare he blemish our most sacred WHITE HOUSE..again, think why did they name it the White House...it was their mentality back then & still now.
When Blacks talk about slavery, many people squirm, and say, well, that was then, not now...yet, the Jews tell their story of the Hollacost as soon as the baby comes out of the womb....this is to let the child know...what their folks went through and don't take what you have for granted..again when blacks try to talk about it we never get a chance to finish...yes it does make people uncomfortable. Yet, they tell us to get over it....when 911 happened folks were just so devastated, oh how could they do this to the US...on & on, well, this is what I say, you want blacks to get over slavery....get over 911..
The reason for slavery is very simple money...why was there a war between the north and the south...no folks it wasn't about freeing the slaves, it was that the South was making more money then the north...even Lincoln said he wouldn't have freed the slaves if the didn't have to, but he need soldiers...& we blacks wanted to be in accepted in the society, so they went to fighting thinking it was about freeing them...no not that at all. Same thing for blacks in the Org. they just want to fit in to main society & be accepted, that's why many blacks are witnesses....and along with other nations we are all slaves of the GB's...The GB's live on a big plantation with the house slaves, while the GB's are drinking their mint julips on the porch. We rank & file are out picking cotton aka: preaching & teaching....and giving our money to the Masters (FDS) so they can extend plantations all over the world for other masters to crack their whips....
We blacks forgot to tell our young ones how blacks made it through, that's why our young ones don't understand and believe life is easy and stuff is handed to them. But if they knew our history, they wouldn't take this life they have for granted....because as crazy as it seems, slavery could happen again...
That's all for now....I could tell you more...but as Jack Nicholson says...You can't handle it...LOL