Hi All,
No matter how you look at it...it's so awesome to see how this all works....everything in it's proper place....This is God's playground and we smart humans are discovering what God made....because God knows we need to know how things work because in the end we don't want to give credit to anything but our magnificent selves, we say, there is no God, we see what he has created and then we try to see well if God created it, maybe I can do it too....Because most of us don't want there to be a God because we want to do just what we want to do...we don't want to be accountable in our lives...we want to do just as we please...& if we say there is no God, then we have science which makes sense but doesn't hold us accountable..science tells us that if we shoot someone in a certain area they may die because scientifically if you shoot a person here, but not accountability..knowing or thinking there is something or someone holding you accountable to not shoot this person...
You can look at Gods word as a bunch of does and don't or you can look at it as a book of Love....The entire Ot was God pleading with the Jews to come back to him after all he did for them...doesn't that sound like someone who loves someone even though they may have committed adultery or whatever yet one of the spouses is so forgiving and pleads....God hung out with the Jews as long as he could take it...so he looked to those who were not Jewish...and here it is...NT is about love...love for God, love for yourself and most of all love of everyone, no matter where they come from or who they are....help our fellow man...no one should suffer in these times...folks got too much, go to city dumps...see what folks throw away...so all that to say...how can science with out conscience and passion help those who are less fortunate then others...
The message of the bible is to be as good as you can and every day be a better person then the day before and if you can help someone, then do it...it don't take a rocket scientist to know when someone is in need...sometimes we humans are too smart for our own good.
Whether the sun came first or the light came first...guess what? We got light....
We should be grateful for this life however good or bad it may be...many of us take life for granted....we all are typing from our wonderful computers in our nice warm houses...eating and whatever else...snug and all comfy, but right now, someone is dying from lack of food and water...there are so many deprived people in the world we waste our time debating whether there is a God or not...does it matter...if you see something do something....