Hi Christina,
I'm new as well. I noticed the same thing. The difference is that when I got baptized I knew they were going to drop me like a hot potato. I was love bombed as well. Why, because they are recruiters and that's what they do. After you have been brought in...they move on to the next study to love bomb and do the same thing to them. If you are the type of person that has never been loved like this before from anyone, you'll think you've hit the jackpot, yep, this is the place to be.
The question to ask yourself, do you love Jehovah & Jesus ? If you love to preach the good news then don't stop going out in the ministry. I do understand about the friends....you have to look at it this way, as someone said you got some generous and compassionate folks in the org. but they are few and far between because most of them put on such a front you can't tell. Many of witnesses have no love in their homes may have never modeled love, even if they came from witness homes...they religion was served on a dish with no love. Many witnesses are depressed with some type of mental illness and that's what the org. attracts. Again, I'm not generalizing, but in my short time being a witness, this is my observation.
If you are looking to be accepted unconditionally, the hall ain't the place, if you are secure within yourself and only need God not the friends, then stay and don't worry about those fair weather friends...As I mentioned before many witness have no idea what love and friendship are. Many on this site says that the org. conditions ones to do this or that, my take is many of the things taught should have been taught from the home. If you have to have an org to show you how to love and treat people, something got lost in ones upbringing...although, the org. does prey on folks who home life is not too stable.
The elders are just men. They are not trained to do anything but listen and give you scriptures. They are not God nor shrinks, nor policemen, nor marriage counselors or child psychologist....They are not banks. If you need help financially maybe one may help you. The friends put too much stock in the elders, they are just men....they haven't gone through any type of training to help humans, all they got is scriptures and maybe a phone number of where you can get help. Most of the elders can't even run their lives...
There are other places of worship, you don't have to stay a witness and other places of worship there are wonderful people there. You may want to choose a smaller congregation of a place of worship because you have been used to being in a small congregation and many places of worship folks are coming in, in droves, they are called mega churches...they are other places of worship that are not that big but still big, again, you may not do well there, because you are used to a smaller congregation. In the bigger churches, you will get lost in the sauce and if you are not an outgoing person you will feel that you are not welcomed. That's another reason some witnesses don't like big places of worship because they would not be considered special or stand out...
Here is a question to ask yourself, why do you go to the hall, for the friends, spirituality and or peace.