Hi Berrygerry,
Nope, I just use that word instead of cussing...I have another oldie...Tom Foolery....
i was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Hi Berrygerry,
Nope, I just use that word instead of cussing...I have another oldie...Tom Foolery....
i have a relative who is a "dyed in the wool true blue jw" and yesterday he sent me this link with the jw method of evaluating the news " more to come !.
sounds like they're grasping at straws now to put meat on their failed prophecy bones.. http://www.freep.com/story/money/business/michigan/2017/02/23/family-christian-stores-close/98310234/.
Funny how they found this article and sent it to you, but if you sent them the one about the ARC, what would be their reaction. When witnesses send links about failures of other religious places, they are showing you....See, if they had Jehovah's blessing this wouldn't have happened....
Right now JW's are so in need of some good news about them. The cards are stacking up against them...I haven't seen the tv commercials about law firm reaching out to JW's about child abuse...the walls are closing in on them....the internet is running faster than they can put out the fire....
The entire world is getting kudos for helping this one and helping that one....young people helping one another, folks travelling all over the world to help others and the media is picking it up....so what about witnesses...as you now many need validation...(that's why they report whatever they do)...and so because they are attention hogs, even if they act like they aren't they are....JW's are wondering...what are we doing? Everyone in the world is trying to help, but what are we doing...just handing out paper....
Since this is God's org...wait on Jehovah...for some good news to feel good about yourselves.....haha...
i was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Folks do this when there is an auto accident....Some will go through the Insurance company and police report. Others will settle with the cost of the damage. They both say let's not report it to the insurance company so our premiums won't go up....why is it not reported and settled outside the police and insurance company...ok everybody....let's say the word(s).....TO AVOID... that's why folks settle to avoid....trouble, whatever, save face...just to name a few.
There was a saying back in the day....many who may have lived during Malcolm X's time....he once made a statement that really shows how the org. thinks....BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY...they will save their rep. any way they can....even if it means the lives of children who will eventually become messed up adults....these same messed up adults will stay or come back to the org. because they are so messed up and won't fit anywhere else...The org is creating their own depressed new converts...
They could be holding out until GB or when all the Gov. boys die and so when it will eventually come out they will say, it was the old regime...see we had to wait on God to get rid of the big boys....now we are God's org....see wait on Jehovah...
with all the stuff going on in the org.
that is not being said, many of the friends say, well, jehovah will clean his house first....with all this religious hiding of child abuse...what denomination was exposed/cleaned first...although they were forced they were exposed and many still go to these places of worship.
so are the jw really god's chosen channel.
Hi All,
Excellent comments and all true. I used to smile when they would say that, because they really were thinking they were saying something that was so noble....like, JW's thought why should they bother with such frivolous thoughts of child abuse...not such a big deal, Jehovah will deal with it...
As many of you said JW's when backed into a corner will say Jehovah will take care of it in his own time. What else can they say.
Also mentioned here is that many don't see anything wrong until something offends them...Lets' face it most folks are selfish, don't care about nothing unless it involves them. Some even said they were the same when they were witnesses...I think we all see when we are not being empathetic but prefer to play is safe...it's called your conscience....
At times people complain about something that may seem trivial to one while in the org...I feel sometimes it's no big deal, but I have to remember it may be a big deal to them...this has nothing to do with being a witness...this has to do with just being a decent human being.
Many of the witnesses know but won't admit what they know because they are comfy where they are. They claim to have found the truth...if they were truly truth seekers they would have left the org. a while ago...
Why do many stay....their future is secure...all the fear they had of dying...all tied up in a few scriptures that say they are coming back, whew....
As many of you know, most JW's think the org. sticks to the bible more than any other religion...but they are just as flawless as the other religions...
You are so right, if the JW's were chosen by God, it would be obvious...
There is a song written a while ago, that kind of describes how some folks/JW's are, by English Beat....it's about a selfish man in a relationship with more than one woman, but he is having his cake and eating it too...he is hurting people but doesn't care....so this line in the song I never forgot, because it was so profound and shows how people really think and how selfish they can be..."I admit that I ruined 3 lives but I DID NOT CARE UNTIL I FOUND OUT ONE OF THEM (LIVES) WAS MINE"...this is folks...nothing bothers them until it BOTHERS THEM...why should they care, it didn't happen to them...just yet.
I began this topic only because I always heard that Jehovah chose the WT org. and not any other religion...so since the other religion was exposed first...I was just thinking that, that other religion was his mouth piece, since he didn't clean/expose the org. first.
last night i told my mom my true feelings on the organization and what i've learned so far.
it all started from a conversation, we need to go visit the new headquarters.
my mom has been studying and just recently became an unbaptized publisher in the spanish cong.
Hi Confused,
Love her and Love God and Jesus. Show her by living a balanced life...You can talk all you want but just show her that a person doesn't have to be a witness to show love and to be loved. Show her you have faith....do something for God that doesn't have to be counted...
You have come to the right place...many will share their experiences with you and give you encouragement...I'm a witness, and many of the friends have no idea that there are beautiful people that are not in the hall the love God/Jesus as much as they do. They claim they can't read hearts only God can, so how can any one judge ones relationship with God, just by looking at them...
This is scary for you depending on your age...If you are old enough to be on your own that's a good thing...I'm glad you mentioned that you were ready to face losing your witness family...that's brave and the first step to healing....Are they your family if you don't believe like they do? This is what keeps many in for the sake of the family. I was not born in so I can't understand that point of view....I have a good relationship with my Mom and she's not a witness. But that's another story...and a nice story...it's a story of respect.
If your mother really loves you, just live your life and be a good person, prove her wrong that because you are not a witness you are not going to live a crazy life...find a place of worship, that is non-denominational...and remember wherever you go, they won't have the whole truth, just like being in the org. you will hear and see things that aren't true...The Truth is in you.
There are many ways to show you love God/Jesus...and being a witness is not the only way....
If you keep peace in the house, that's ok, but you won't ever have any peace within yourself...
But first congrats. yourself on seeing the truth...and you are not spiritually weak....
You are correct in telling Mom don't tell your family....you don't need a bunch of folks blabbing in your ear...stand your ground...Live Well...Be Kind to others....
with all the stuff going on in the org.
that is not being said, many of the friends say, well, jehovah will clean his house first....with all this religious hiding of child abuse...what denomination was exposed/cleaned first...although they were forced they were exposed and many still go to these places of worship.
so are the jw really god's chosen channel.
Like a person staying in an abusive relationship and saying it's God's will. Umm, Good point never thought of it as secular authorities are cleaning up house....and doesn't the bible say that God has put these authorities in place....
People are free to believe what they want but they don't have the right to impose on others ....to each his own...
Religion is all about control and domination...but it's really supposed to be about caring for one another that was to be the result of religion, not rules but love...
I would love to have the nerve to say to one of the friends...if this is Jehovah's org. why was the other religion exposed ?
with all the stuff going on in the org.
that is not being said, many of the friends say, well, jehovah will clean his house first....with all this religious hiding of child abuse...what denomination was exposed/cleaned first...although they were forced they were exposed and many still go to these places of worship.
so are the jw really god's chosen channel.
With all the stuff going on in the org. that is not being said, many of the friends say, well, Jehovah will clean his house first....with all this religious hiding of child abuse...what denomination was exposed/cleaned first...although they were forced they were exposed and many still go to these places of worship. So are the JW really God's chosen channel. He didn't clean his house (JW) first...it was another one of his houses...can you guess which one ?
I'm just saying...
I Believe in God and all places of worship are his houses....they are need cleaning..
Thought ?
jw.org stickers are passed around among publishers.one brother says "hey you can just turn in your time just driving around streets with this sticker on your car.
" the other side of this car ,(photo) there is a qr code sticker on it.. .
Hi Fulltimestudent,
Thanks for correcting me...I couldn't remember.
But it is true, I was having lunch one day and the sister told me that...Sad isn't it...it's all about the counting time and being seen....
Did anyone see Independent day and when the aliens came there was a whole bunch of people welcoming the aliens and begging them to take the earthlings...like they have been waiting for this moment all the while, well the alien ship did take'em....they obliterated them...This is how I see this placing JW literature in site...they are waiting for Jesus's 2nd coming, or is it his third, can't remember which, but he's coming...
Wonder what Jehovah is thinking of all of this ? If he's paying attention at all.
hi guys, non jw here but i was wondering why jw's believe going out in service is worship?
are they just told that or do they try to use scripture to support that?.
Hi Charity,
They are repaying Jehovah the gift of his son The Ransom. They also believe they are saving lives. They are modern day Noah's and they are trying to get as many on the ark as possible...
Also, as mentioned when Jesus sent out his disciples to spread the good news...but here's the rub, don't know if you know some scriptures are for the anointed (too long of a story)...and some are just for us plain folk, supposedly Jesus's disciples are part of the anointed and Jesus was talking about going to door he was not speaking to us plain folks....So if the society really want to split hairs, and they always say certain scriptures are for the anointed...so, we are not anointed so we don't have to go door to door....
Going out door to door is a form of worship...JW's are work oriented....they can't accept something for nothing...Some do it because they really love it....they are outdoor people...some really do love Jehovah
There is a song in our song book that one of the lines is How can I repay you what gift can I give to thank you Jehovah for the life that you give, I think that's how it goes...
Yes, witnesses think going out in service is worship and also before all....going to the meetings...I know others here can add...
i know there have been many many posts on here over the years on the deity of jesus.. i am submitting this one because i am feeling a little confused.. the thing is, i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer and i know this.
so when i am going through my bible reading (to all you haters, yes i still do it) i see so many scriptures that just fly in the face of everything the jws teach about jesus.. i begin to wonder if indeed i am diseased in the mind ,as they will try to paint me, because it seems so plain to me.. i never even gave it a though growing up as to if jesus and god were equal.
i just didn't.. now when i read scriptures like philippians 9.... 9 for this very reason, god exalted him to a superior position+ and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name,+ 10 so that in the name of jesus every knee should bend—of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground+— 11 and every tongue should openly acknowledge that jesus christ is lord+ to the glory of god the father.. .
As someone mentioned Jesus is the new God of the NT....Jehovah changed the game plan...Jesus died for our sins, so why wouldn't we worship the person that died for us...and Jehovah thought the same thing...
Jehovah witnesses just want to be different....at the time they came about, nobody was talking about Jehovah, so they had an open field, they sounded like they knew what they were saying and folks bought it....
Years later, this has come to bite them in the tail...The org isn't as loving as Jesus, even though God is love, when he get's angry, he will discipline you....we only saw Jesus get angry once...even when someone asked a question to trick him...he would answer, One day there was.....(in parables).
So the question is who should we worship, God who created all things and sent his son to die for us or do we worship the one WHO DIED FOR US?...God told us who to worship...John 3:16...(in part) that everyone one exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life....And to be a Christian you have to believe in Christ...isn't Christ a part of the word Christian....
They shot themselves in the foot....now they are trying to fit Jesus in the literature....They are figuring JW's are not too dumb anymore...and some of the Questions from Readers may actually be sent by the friends ( but incognito).
I'm saying all this to folks that still believe even though they may be fading or haven't allowed the org. to destroy your faith.... I don't wish to offend those who may not believe and don't want judge them.
Why can't they both be worshipped....Jehovah for all he has done and will do and Jesus for giving his life...