Here's what I don't get....why is the org. worried about the friends finding out that there were pedophiles in the org and the reason it was never told to the police is because the org. didn't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name. (a name they gave themselves, but that's another thread).
As much as they flip flop their doctrines and all the stuff that leaks out...the building of a new facility, over millions of dollars, selling of properties...the friends know they have money, but they like to stick their heads in the sand, but their butts are still in the air...and still can be seen....If they came forward like the catholics, many would stay. I've said this before on other threads...the Catholic religion was exposed and who knows how long it took and how many payouts there were before it was public? Even so, there are still Catholics today.
They don't have faith in God nor their congregations....tell the Truth...because isn't the org...THE TRUTH..
I wonder when they will run out of steam....
As I said maybe the org. is holding out until this regime is dead and then can come out and tell the truth....but Does anyone on this site ever think the org. will be xposed liked the Catholics...I mean honestly...I have read all over this site about the law and if the defendant says this, will they take the money and so on....but the bottom line is will it ever be known....publicly, because don't fool yourself folks, many of the friends know...the silence gives it away.