Just your thoughts....I've been all over this site, everyone says, that if Jehovah was backing the org. then why so many things happen in the org. child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the Banning of witnesses all over the media, but the ARC isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) Nothing like the NYT or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...I know even if The ARC was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe Jehovah is bringing the org. to it's arrogant knees....
So here is my question....who is protecting the org. from the real scandals? If it's not Jehovah than who ?