Posts by asp59
kingdom halls
by pepperheart indo you think the watchtower will sell off any more kingdom hall after the 3,000 have been sold of and why do you think that.
I some times wonder if they are not selling everything cause they think organisation Will be destroyd under GB. I mean with bunker video and everything els One wonders IF even they think , as they have claim that God Still support Them. -
I Saw An Elder Yesterday Who Told Me 3 Area Kingdom Halls Were Being Dissolved
by minimus inhe said they read the letter to the congregation and were told the kh would be disbanded.
2 other halls in the area were slated for closure.
he said many people in the congregation began crying.
So People in congregation were crying abouth the sell. But he being elder was exited and looking foward to future? Weird. Wonder what kind of fetich he has....😊
Mormons vs JWs
by asp59 ini live in a southamerican country and i almost always see younger mormon missionaries out.
i havet seen jws out street preaching for years and years.
maybe two times sitting with the carts last 7years.
I live in a southamerican country and i almost Always see younger mormon missionaries out. I havet seen JWs out street preaching for years and years. Maybe two times sitting with the carts last 7years. I Wonder IF it Always been like this or in there haydays like the 80s you could see JWs everywere outside? -
I Got Very Stange JW Doorknocker Yesterday
by pale.emperor ini had an ex-jw uncle of mine visiting me yesterday from another part of the country.
i usually only ever see him at weddings and funerals but we keep in touch on facebook.
we were catching up in my place with his wife when about an hour into the visit there's a knock on my door, this was about 4pm.. strange... the only people who ever knock without calling me first are the postman and my ex-wife.. i open the door and it's a face i recognize from my last congregation.
JWs usually hide what they think of feel for echader. I know a case a brother was in Love with syster. But as not showing feeling is so ingrain in that culture. He wrote a letter to the syster Will being drunk. Everything became very odd after that. -
I Got Very Stange JW Doorknocker Yesterday
by pale.emperor ini had an ex-jw uncle of mine visiting me yesterday from another part of the country.
i usually only ever see him at weddings and funerals but we keep in touch on facebook.
we were catching up in my place with his wife when about an hour into the visit there's a knock on my door, this was about 4pm.. strange... the only people who ever knock without calling me first are the postman and my ex-wife.. i open the door and it's a face i recognize from my last congregation.
If you wanted to shook him Up. You should have asked if JWs är so loving, how many times have other JWs in his congregation invited him to there homes? That would have been a Good conversatio starter 😎
Russia=King of the North, USA=King of the South? New info coming in from Annual Meeting 2018
by Jules Saturn init was announced in this year’s annual meeting that they believe that the king of the north is russia and the king of the south is us/britain.
for me this is the first time hearing from the society actually identifying the identity of the king of the north.
very interesting times!
Can someone please enligt me abouth the logic choosing Russia? They bombing the crap out of ISIS. Is Isis also Gods choosen People? Of the mormons that i think also been banned.
Annual meeting topic
by asp59 inhow many think they will announce in the annual meeting they just gonna have one meeting a week?
if they dont it will be astonishing, amazing and other things..
How many think they will announce in the annual meeting they just gonna have one meeting a week? If they dont it will be astonishing, amazing and other things.
What changes would stabilize JW membership?
by StarryNight9 ini've seen many topics about how things are changing or might be changing in jw doctrine/culture.
some have extrapolated how those changes would result in declining jw membership.
i'm curious to know what changes others think would stabilize those numbers.
Any word yet on the Annual Meeting?
by careful init's just a week or two away and still no sign of the usual hype?
very strange.... anyone heard anything about it?
perhaps from those still in to some degree or from relatives/friends still in?.
Annual meeting is abouth Good news. With they are not having.
Study Watchtower confirms shunning spiritually weak. How nice!
by Isambard Crater init really hurt to hear brothers and sisters commenting about this at the meeting yesterday.. "as in solomon’s case, one of the greatest threats to spirituality is friendship with those who do not understand or respect jehovah’s standards.
some may be associated with the congregation but may be spiritually weak.
others could be relatives, neighbors, coworkers, or schoolmates who are not worshippers of jehovah.
Compare to jesus everyon around him was spiritualy weak. He still hang around Them.