Basically the same as prohibiting house to house preaching?
Posts by asp59
News from Court in Europe
by asp59 in.
basically the same as prohibiting house to house preaching?.’s-witnesses-illegally-gather-personal-data-455622.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses selfish??
by stuckinarut2 inis the average jehovah's witness selfish and self-centred?.
i know, i know...many will object and say "no - preaching is the most selfless thing a jw can do.
it saves others lives...".
I remember a KH I attended in a ritch area. They hade to sell kingdom Hall cause they couldn't pay the rent. But I knew a lot of JWs in the area that own fancy summer houses in vacation places. I think they are selfish cause they been taught to enter new system you only have to preach.
Finland JWs
by asp59 infinland’s jehovah’s witnesses may find themselves joining the military for the first time in decades, as the ministry of defense now contemplates a more “equal” draft system disallowing their exemption as discriminatory..
Finland’s Jehovah’s Witnesses may find themselves joining the military for the first time in decades, as the Ministry of Defense now contemplates a more “equal” draft system disallowing their exemption as discriminatory.
JW broadcasting July 2018
by dozy injust skimmed through the latest broadcast.
( yes - i know , i should really get a life!
a lot of it seems to be regurgitated videos from previous months.
I actually think they are very scared of writing new things in magazine.
Must be they worrie they can get lawsuit if it's something they write wrong.
They gonna repeat old information or write abouth subjects that are regular, like how to study.
This year’s convention
by lastmanstanding intwo things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
After 140 years of existen of this organization they finally found that God is not parcial and we all important in his eyes. Haha little to late I think. The past can not be fix with some lines in a magazine.
The urban legends we heard as JWs!
by stuckinarut2 inhow often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
That actually happened to me in service. Felt an urge to go back to a house I visited that no one was home. When I went back the owner was returning. He told me he had depression cause wife left him and he started to study with us. He moved to another town I lost contact. Probably never became JW. This was back in the 90s.
The urban legends we heard as JWs!
by stuckinarut2 inhow often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
Yeah story goes he murdered a pioneer before becoming JW. As to show repentance he promised God to become pioneer and do double hours for JW he killed. Mind you this was back in the 80s when I think a pioneer did 90 hours a month!
The urban legends we heard as JWs!
by stuckinarut2 inhow often have we heard some sort of sensationalist urban legend as jws?.
here is an example i was told as a kid:.
the experience of a sister who knocked on a door and was greeted by a big fierce looking man- intimidating and mean.
Sandino I heard that one living in South America. We was supposed to be from Colombia. Yes JW wife's are one of the most gossiping women I met. I think cause there's lives is so boring and empty. I always tell them...get a hobby women.
by asp59 inwhat happened to letters from governing body about cleaning up congregation from does that receive privilege but we're not working on fruits of spirit?
they send out one then some year after another.
thought they assigned cos to do the cleaning work.
What happened to letters from governing body about cleaning up congregation from does that receive privilege but we're not working on fruits of spirit? They send out one then some year after another. Thought they assigned COs to do the cleaning work. Seems it ran out in the sand.
Selling buildings
by asp59 inback in beginning of 2000s i lived in a nordic country.
they hade the biggest assembly hall own by jws and a two store bulding in middle of capital converted to kh for several congregation.
short story everything was sold cause they couldn't pay the rent.
Back in beginning of 2000s I lived in a Nordic country. They hade the biggest assembly hall own by JWs and a two store bulding in middle of capital converted to KH for several congregation. Short story everything was sold cause they couldn't pay the rent. Ten years ago I traveled to South America. They were building a asambly hall. First meeting I went to local KH i knew in some years everything be sold cause of holy spirit in congregation basically none. Well now ten years after major KH downtown capitol was sold. Assembly Hall parts of it being sold. When MacDonalds move to a country they do more research about how things gonna go for them then this organization does. If course it's congregation money they playing with so the don't care. The show clearly that the higher ups have there position cause they say the belong to ,144.000 and look how many hours in service I filled out. The appointments were never base on practical wisdom or insight in to matters. It's all base on hours a month. I bet Betel in New York is just a bunch of zombies going round with mucus around mouth chanting Preach preach preach all day long😁😐😊