Posts by asp59
What changes would stabilize JW membership?
by StarryNight9 ini've seen many topics about how things are changing or might be changing in jw doctrine/culture.
some have extrapolated how those changes would result in declining jw membership.
i'm curious to know what changes others think would stabilize those numbers.
Any word yet on the Annual Meeting?
by careful init's just a week or two away and still no sign of the usual hype?
very strange.... anyone heard anything about it?
perhaps from those still in to some degree or from relatives/friends still in?.
Annual meeting is abouth Good news. With they are not having.
Study Watchtower confirms shunning spiritually weak. How nice!
by Isambard Crater init really hurt to hear brothers and sisters commenting about this at the meeting yesterday.. "as in solomon’s case, one of the greatest threats to spirituality is friendship with those who do not understand or respect jehovah’s standards.
some may be associated with the congregation but may be spiritually weak.
others could be relatives, neighbors, coworkers, or schoolmates who are not worshippers of jehovah.
Compare to jesus everyon around him was spiritualy weak. He still hang around Them.
JW org collapses
by I Faded Twice inok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
This all depends how you view it. If its from wordly cooperation view point, they doing bad.
If its from a belivers bible view focus on bless or not. Its over for Them.
Work at bethel.
by asp59 inhello, just wonder if there are some ex bethelites here.
what is the expectation of the quality of the work one does in bethel?
i mean if you dont do a good work in a regular company you can loose jour job.
Hello, just wonder if there are some ex bethelites here. What is the expectation of the Quality of the work one does in bethel? I mean if you dont do a good work in a regular company you can loose jour job. What are the expectations for a bethelite? Do you become a GB member if you are a good worker? Dont know how they are selected.
You will not find this sort of support in the New System: JC Elder
by Diogenesister inso that statement was made by an elder to a disfellowshipped brother, during a reinstatement meeting.. this statement is made here at around 4.
10 mins in.. the full story of this man is incredibly sad.
in fact i've rarely listened to an exjws story that has affected me quite so much.
They have huge problem the organization. They want people who seek appointments to work on the fruits of the spirit. But it just not happening.
You will not find this sort of support in the New System: JC Elder
by Diogenesister inso that statement was made by an elder to a disfellowshipped brother, during a reinstatement meeting.. this statement is made here at around 4.
10 mins in.. the full story of this man is incredibly sad.
in fact i've rarely listened to an exjws story that has affected me quite so much.
Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to him whose life is bitter
2018 JWBroadcasting "Higher education is useless" video CLIP
by Not_Culty insept 2018.
You are wrong when you say videos like this would affect jws so they would abandon organization. They usually don't put that much attention on meetings and such. What JWs don't like is donating or helping other financially. Put like other religions a tilth 10% of salary goes to donations and JWs will run and hide.
2018/19 new light
by Ray Frankz inhi guys, long time without paying a visit to this site.
today i returned to check a 'gossip' that is running around in brazilian exjw forums.. they are stating that is almost certain they will make a big change in their doctrine maybe this year yet in the annual meeting.
they say people in warwick were commenting on this.
After the overlapping generation 'new ,light,' that no one understood, it's only fanatic's that go around waiting for new light from headquarters.
(How) Will The Slow and Subtle WT Internal Shift Affect Us?
by Solzhenitsyn inas a "deep pimo" i can say that there is a confirmed re-branding.
the coordinators committee formed a focus group from service and teaching committees.
the results of that group roughly three+ years ago, with gb approval, trickled down to the other committees and eventually into what we have been seeing before our eyes in the org and local congs.. pick an organizational level and see the shift.
There's been a shift in organization wise to be more loving to attract people from district. But they are focusing on getting the shift to younger ones. The olders ones think most of hours and showing up at meeting. They or a lost case and don't think the organization see any future with them anyways.