I find their reasoning flawed and based on a great deal of ignorance and lack of empathy. Also surprised it hasn't been taken down.
I don’t agree with their conclusion however I respect that they have had a think about it and formed an opinion. One commenter said that I was clearly thinking about sw in Thailand - the reality is that exploitation and trafficking of sw is a problem all over the world. Even australia. It goes without saying that certain countries are more significantly impacted by the problem. Croatia and countries in the EU are also significantly impacted. At the time I wrote my statement, these were the statistics I was thinking about. I’m my latest video I put a clip in that acknowledges that some sw are voluntarily undertaking this work, but not all. This has always been my position “an industry known for”…. The industry has a major problem. SW is not well regulated in Croatia and some other EU countries. It is illegal in Croatia. An illegal activity is never well regulated.
I too appreciate that the mods haven’t removed this post, quite refreshing indeed. (Still won’t be going back but credit where it’s due I guess)