Was the divorce was her actually giving up on the marriage or her playing the only card she had in order to get him back from Thailand? Little of both? Where does this stand now?
I think she genuinely wanted a divorce, and that she didn’t want him to come back from Thailand as it would give her space as he manipulates her when he is near her.
doesn’t care about the case made against him for being a CSA advocate whilst utilising the services of trafficked women.
This is an interesting question, I’ve never thought about it before. In all honesty I doubt she even knows about the sex industry 🤷♀️
I feel for dijana so I’m probably not an objective observer on what her motivations are 😔
I have no more information than the next person regarding what’s happening now, based on what I knew from before, I would be very surprised if the divorce doesn’t happen.
Lloyd apparently mentioned her as part of his 3 man team in a recent video so I assume she is still working for the company, after all, it’s a job and I gather she would need the money 🤷♀️