I am feeling inspired to make a video …. I am thinking about calling it: “is Tibor really gracious?”….. but then I think about it and wonder whether it’s even worth my while - I will say that I don’t think Tibor’s response to my video would be gracious at all 😉
And for the record - I am on the record as having said the videos were not green screen and I find it offensive that I was lumped in with the “conspiracy theorist nut jobs ” (satire).
Final note for the record - I am in the Selters video which may provide another reason that lloyd won’t watch that video - BUT maybe not, it may simply be because Ben Foard raised a question about Lloyd’s behaviour only months after lloyd “boosted him” from bethel - which is quite ungrateful of Ben as he would still be slaving away at Bethel in Germany had it not been for Lloyd rescuing him….oh wait no that’s not correct ….. Ben had been planning his own exit using his own resources and didn’t need Lloyd at all.
Incidentally Ben is doing extremely well since he left….without lloyd - who knew! Lloyd knew it would be an emotionally appealing to his audience and inserted himself into the narrative of Ben leaving for his own gain. His motivation was not to help Ben - Ben didn’t need his help. Lloyd didn’t pick him up from selters, a local exjw did (German Ben) - who could have taken him to the airport and home.
Lloyd’s dramatic “I can’t watch it” gave me the impression that he had given everything to a cause over a number of years, with no personal gain only to have been “betrayed” by Ben and therefore suffering a trauma response at the thought of that video ……
I’m sorry but I am so sick and tired of this dramatic man toddler self declared victim. It’s pathetic and embarrassing.