He put the laughing emoji at the end ...that's the one he should have put
This is Lloyd’s version of funny
original reddit post (removed).
He put the laughing emoji at the end ...that's the one he should have put
This is Lloyd’s version of funny
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Leave the WTS. Be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. That's the message.
Now that is just the facts! 👍
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When I first started watching Kim and Mikey’s videos I really struggled when I heard them talking about certain things that they believed at that time. It taught me the most valuable lesson, I don’t have to agree and to get comfortable being uncomfortable with the feeling I got when I didn’t agree. It doesn’t make them wrong, weirdos or horrible people - it makes them human - it’s the best lesson I ever learnt.
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I think the most important thing to remember is that there are lots of exjw content creators out the and there is one that suits each of us. We don’t have to like the same creators - not should we. We don’t need a leader, we don’t need a voice for the community. Hear all the opinions of all the creators that you want and then make your own opinion.
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Has he made a video about this case?
Not since the team left. Mark and I were usually the ones taking the news to him, doing the research and talking to key players - he just hosted the WTIF episodes.
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Why not just upload the sushi on a regular schedule, and then combine them in a playlist?
2 reasons:
1. Regularly uploading improves your algorithms
2. Some people watch the whole convention videos, some watch the sushi’s and some watch both …. Hedging his viewer bets and potential double up of views 👍
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My ignorance come from only ever having watched the meltdown video. It was a classic though. 😆
If you watched a whole convention episode all the way through, you can pick each sushi as he introduces the section “ we are watching the morning session of the 2023 convention where Stephen lett is discussing….”
My word is good, I’m not asking you to torture yourself by watch 👍
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This is just my opinion I have no confirmation from anyone or internet source to validate my opinion.
You are correct. Lloyd films “sushi episodes” individually and tibor puts them together into one long video 👍
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patron could some people have just forgotten their one
It’s possibly if they don’t check their statements and emails 🤷♀️ many new out exjw’s are so confused that they give lloyd and join without knowing what they are signing up for 👍
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Lloyd keeps creating content no one asked for
Our Lloyd and savior has told the community for to long “what we need” as far as content 🤦♀️