Thank you for your reply. Upon reviewing your video I do remember it now.
I respect everyone’s right to an opinion, about me, how I disclosed, what I said, the words I used and whether or not I should have used any words at all.
I put information out so that everyone could make an informed decision for themself.
That time was very stressful and upon reflection I too would handle the situation differently. I did the best I could at that time and have to be at peace knowing it was my best.
I remember feeling quite upset when this video came out as I was being attacked from every angle at the time and was doing my best to try and answer peoples questions, to be understanding and patient.
The fact that this conversation happened and immediately produced into a video unsettled me and I remember feeling as though I couldn’t trust anyone, which made me feel very alone.
I am very open and honest about my mental health, am well medicated and have had extensive therapy - 99% of this journey being completed before this year. My disclosure had nothing to do with my mental state.
Being concerned for someone’s mental state and immediately posting that conversation on YouTube probably isn’t in the “how to behave when you’re concerned for someone’s mental state” guide book.
I will close by saying that remembering this video has upset me. It reminds me of the period of time that I would like to forget.
I have wonderful friends and this wonderful community. I hope we all learn lessons from this year in the community. 💗