Otherwise, I would offer them to you as interpreters,
I’m glad you woke up, thank you for the thought xx
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Otherwise, I would offer them to you as interpreters,
I’m glad you woke up, thank you for the thought xx
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Oh that was me. So what happens next, Lloyd sues me? Kim you’ll have to walk me through this process as I am new.
I should have guessed 😂😂
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the same person who constantly bitches about others telling lies about him does not hesitate to claim that Kim is being "criminally prosecuted."
He did lodge a complaint with the Croatian courts about 8 months ago however none of the M7 have heard dot about it….the only reason we even know he lodged a complaint was the fact that he told us on social media and I checked with the Croatian court. I am of the understanding that the court are not interested and refused service of the claim - but I don’t know 100% as there is a language barrier.
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I don’t know this Charlotte angel but whoever they are, they are very kind and brave x
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oops! Me bad . Wrong list
That goes in the why I Don't like
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Who else would have had the same viewpoint as me?
I think there are lots of people who experienced the same as you. Xx
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I have wondered this many times. Why did he tell you Kim? What did he hope to accomplish or get out of it?
Lloyd told me once in a zoom call and there were other bits and pieces after that call but I didn’t want to discuss the subject as I was in shock about the whole thing. There are lots of people who have ideas about why he told me, but the truth is that I don’t know. 🤷♀️
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I suspect his biggest change would be not to tell me.
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This screenshot actually makes me cranky - for the first time in a long time - he never expected “such a significant % of ex-JWs to so easily flip to being judgmental & self-righteous.”
Fuck you Lloyd. Exjw’s didn’t flip, they thought for themselves.
Stop attempting to garner sympathy from vulnerable people by comparing your bullshit to “the cult”.
You didn’t think about handling anything differently because you are so used to everyone (including me), buying your brand of bullshit no questions asked. You are so used to bullying those who don’t fall into step and that large % drowning out the ones who didn’t agree with you.
The only thing you should have “handled very differently” is your responsibility to your wife, children and those you “advocate for”. Your actions and lack of responsibility put you in this position - not the majority of the community.
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Not Lloyd?? It's the sort of thing he would do, were they told by Lloyd to do it?
As far as I’m aware, he had nothing to do with it from beginning until it was known to the public - and that was only after it was made known to the public that he commented adversely about Jake.